I fully support ending the WHO and all those UN agencies in geneva, nyc and paris...

in #infowars4 years ago

If trump fought the pedogaters / epsteiners he would be the greatest president ever, of course he fucked the coronavirus initial reaction... but happilly it's him as potus and not some morons dead beat unable to think or count...


First I believe in the fake rabbi girl of israel, who said : it's the new babel tower... fucking right.

Secondly, I don't believe in the end of the money changers and worst in a unified command for planet earth.

Because I think decentralization and having more options is always wisheable and necessary and will be maintain at all costs.

Specifically, just one country (miss margaret chan https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Chan) can easily take over and impose it's interests, agendas, nefarious activities etc on the rest of the world...

Secondly it's the first venue for corrupt so called free market operators to expand their deeds, by occulting real things and or pushing fakes and dangerous venues... ie it's an unacceptable risk

then it costs so much for no real return for the us, worst it's a source of foreign entanglement and foreign infiltration and worst a denagation of the american identity, all thise old world order, global community, citizen of the earth crap shit...

and finally it dissolve human ressources, time and assets to foreign entity.

America First, America Only.

Then I don't say they aren't valuable ideal behind it, but when a group of people believe they have the right to force medicate or vaccinate (immunization agenda, thanks to alex jones and the old guy who you can watch in the morning aka david knight) it's clear that it has been taken over, and which will happen anyway...

so fuck it, reform the CDC, reform NHI or what ever crap soup goes there... and at least if the usa fall, not all the world has to with...

finally, I am not against an world health forum... a space for discussion, for exchanging ideas... aka based on free speech and liberty and not an institution used by the mean people of geneva and nyc to extract money and loot and further the scams of their masters and or those smarter than them manipulating them, like aliophatic medicine (aka based not on TCM / nutrition as even the one said (thanks again to those explaining the rockfeller chemical agenda and link to the greek peon) but yeah...

this un is all smiley cosy friendly, but behind this is the ugly face of supermacist ideology based on totalitarian project for planetary domination... and I don't like that... and it will not possible... ie some will fight it and win...

china has taken it over smoothly, islam will... they said no to pork, human feotal cells, you can forget it... unless you want to see the jihad... because your force medication agenda only works on the tax cattles... free people... sringues vs aks... and more for some... because your worldwide vaccine in CCAS controlled area, you can dream... if it has it will be homemade... rest assured even copy paste, at least it will be what it is it said it is... control...

another C...

but the question is there a jewish fight going on... I mean did the rotschild and co lost control of their United nations system (vs the chinese for example) or is it an internal fight (ie i guess the new rotschild are in the yada two state solution and opposes the final border from akaba to kakbaha)? who knows... maybe they are under the charm of the kween of amanh... ohhhhhh,... that would be bad, treasonous... or have they fallen in the silk traps? ahahaha...

one world order... or old world order dream, is not possible... realize when they wake up in moskow they are drunk in valdivostock :).and they drink the same vodka... so forget it...

let the amish be, take your vaccine if you want, don't force them upon others...

death wins all the time, always, for ever... sooner or later.

so using medicine for imposing various political, imperial or commercial agenda is quite lame... and frankly dangerous for all... I don't care if they believe that by drinking camel pee they can heal that... because one day they may be right :)...

and that's the thing, let it be...


and no, I politely decline your vaccination offer, thank you very have a nice day and there will more for those who want it...

that's each is choice, his body, his proof of liberty , and if you want two shots, please proceed, I don't care... it's not MY BODY, you do what ever the fuck you want with it, even if vaccines due to their real risks of fucking up (aka you become a bioweapon spreaders) are clearly beyond the edges of liberty... but what can you do againt the paranoiacs...

a vaccine... and those things are rna bioweapon to mess your dna... they are vaccines in the traditional sense...

and that the problem with this intelligentia working for the one world order, I am sure even themselves are completly lost with all those terms they change all the time... new world order, is in reality the one world gov which is in reality the old one world order dream... I mean... open borders... at least abortions are clear. aborded...

MY BODY MY CHOICE... who or not


the unified front against forced vaccinations, I join... but attention we ain't cannon fodders, smart, decisive, ultra violent, at the hearth of the enemy swarm by all means we wage war to win... that's important... to win. no surrender, no surviviors, and their children dies... that's important too... total war or nothing. there are no civilians nor by standers...

you are with us, or against.

black and white...

and yes, we may even vaccinate ourselves with things to fight and wins against you, be freely not mandatory... and when you understand unleashed biowarfare for liberty... fasten your seat belt... and all those pikers on yachts, mcmansions and 16 / 256 security team... watch out...

there is no middle ground, scorch earth if necessary...

ahhh it's a big no no...

time to stop to write and act for liberty....

NO TO MANDATORY MEDICATIONS... the patient is free... the doctor advise... healing... not jailing... helping the will of the patient to form itself, healing the body, and most sickeness are of one own failling... the rest is only mitigation... too much fat, not enough nutrient... etc...

first thing we need air support at least denial... the debacle of syria not for us... then it would be nice to have a mad policy... mutally assured destruction against forced vaxxers, me, I nuke, no hesitation... boom one less... city / country / people, I don't give a fuck you host the forced vaxxers, you gone... next.

this is warfare, there is no middle ground, the winners takes it all, even if it's just breathing the future hashes of those who crossed the lines of liberty.

so yeah fuck the un, anything from it, who, wto, weather stuff, what ever, buildings, heritage site, I don't give a crap, population replacement agency... fuck them all and if only potus45 arrested the epsteiners he would the greatest, but he will the lamest, so close to eternal glory to fall on such fallacies... sex... even trained dogs can resists... maybe... at least wovles... learn fast : focus on the mission or leave to never return traitor (s) if you ain't killed first...

people don't realize how violent the world is, when two seeds fall, one maybe too close to the others for both to live...

so combat action, and forget the current director, a little tool, it's the ideology behind it... the drone swarm should since long have returned from this vicious city, and of course on the way back, a little strike on roman polanski location (with wife and children) would have been a nice splash... a splash of justice...

ahhh and then they will want their world justice... aka icc... how destroyed is the hagues (Without pedo gate it would be)...

and that's the thing you don't get...

blowing the philadelphia...at least at the time those weren't cowards... they crossed oceans on wooden boats... madness...today... pfff they have a/c and fridges... losers...

  • captain, how do you plan to travel across the ocean?
  • with those sails...
  • and if there is no wind?

perilous journey...

  • where do you feat the raws?
  • only sails...

so it's in the hand of God?


not some gay pussy shit... not even capable of blasting little st james, but just to burn it to wipe dna trace... what a shame... pffff... to the shark... and watch... shark feed... despicable...

what a dishonor to the american navy... and pimping by boarding a peaceful submarin involved in the spice trade while being unable to invade a little island... pfff.... ridicule... and that want to fight the Koreans... even divided, ridicule...

I finish this post series with a clear congratulation and thank full note to every one involed in the eternal border... but rest assured even if it was smoother than silk with know, facing the hordes of the mainland, that this line, is there, and will be, not because of our will...

ie for the foreigners if the noko / soko and ko are there, think of what it implies... and who moved the capital city of the empire there, and failed or finally recognized mastery... :).anyway...

end the un, end the who, stop all this global agenda crap, let them all be, respect others, let plants etc animals, share, love, be kind with the kind and ruthlesser and even more mercyless than the fallen... ez... it just has to be fast... don't think attrition or such against the fallen, fight to win, not to fight... what ever the time it takes... etc... 101 warfare...

so who will be among the forced vaxxers and who won't...

that's the world to be.

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