"This account has been terminated for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines." The welcome note of Youtube censoring Alex Jones and Infowars along Facebook, Apple and Spotify. All in 24 hours...

in #infowars6 years ago (edited)

When it comes to conspiracy theories I tend to believe that the truth in them is somewhere half way, although some of them might be more accurate than others while a few are absolute ridiculous. However I always believed that what media puts under our nose is what a handful of people that rule this world allow it to do. Some call that handful of powerful people free masons, some call them Illuminati, people like David Icke calls them reptilians while I don't give a damn what their name might be. But I believe in their existence and it their power of actual pulling the worlds strings form every corner, visible and invisible.

I know that not everyone of us is in the position of believing that not our presidents have the control to print money, make laws, decide what's the best for us in terms of health and well being, the citizens, and frame our freedom. So, if you're that kind of person there's no use to continue reading because it would only be a few minutes of time wasted for you. If you do believe in conspiracies than keep on scrolling...or swiping.

One of the big names that talked and wrote freely, without fear, about the actual story behind the 9/11, about the Bilderberg group and their plans and actions for steering the world, about Bohemian Grove and the weird rituals held there and many other conspiracy theories was Alex Jones. A big mouth guy that founded Infowars and informed lots of us about such topics. He might have drifted too much towards conspiracy, rather than facts, sometimes, but he had some good points and a free mind and voice that was listened by millions around the world. I, for example, heard for the first time about Bohemian Grove from Alex Jones.

image source

Now, considering that the internet is the web that connects us and the information shared in its giant web, Alex created himself and for Infowars accounts on Youtube, Facebook, Spotify and Apple where he uploaded podcasts, live streamed and held his collection of interviews and other shows that were accessed by millions all over the world. For about a while though Youtube suspended his account for violating some terms for thirty days, which honestly I really don't know if it's true or not. What's weird though and considered by myself as an awareness bell ringing for us is that lately, in 24 hours, all the four media giants mentioned above banned or deleted Jones's accounts and Inforwars also. Isn't that communist censorship or what?

If you've been reading the news in the past months you might have noticed that the media giants like Facebook and Youtube have slowly installed the censorship dictatorship like in the case of the Florida School Shooting which hit the trending page on Youtube in three hours and then was deleted by Google's Youtube for some violating terms issue, of course. In my opinion the time that we're passing through right now concerning censorship on social media is the pavement for a new world order with one government, one currency and as much freedom for us as a laboratory hamster has. Now, my statement is also a conspiracy theory, but I hope from the bottom of my heart that we won't get there and that remains only a conspiracy after all.

I really hope that social media platforms like Steem and others to come will keep information free, accessible to the general public and not censored by any dictator. I live in a ex-communist country and I know how censorship tastes and trust me is not sweet at all. I definitely feel sorry for what's happening with Alex Jones, I consider the situation an awful hit for the freedom of speech and hope that the four giants which censored him will review their decisions and keep those platforms free, as they were intended, giving Alex's voice back. I don't know if Alex Jones is among us on Steem, but I hope he is or that he joins it soon. If all we're left with on Youtube and Facebook is dumb pranks, ice bucket challenges, idiotic cartoons and other nonsense videos and pictures, that don't violate their clauses, then we're really screwed.

We're gonna have in a few decades a society full of pokemons, social media zombies and blind hamsters that will only run constantly in circle spinning the wheel set up by those handful of powerful people that don't give a shit about us and only see their interest. Which is not about money any longer...for centuries. It is about power, physical and mind control and modern slavery. Unfortunately, all of these things don't brake our doors suddenly waking us up in the middle of the night, but instead they enter our lives inch by inch while we fight in comments or kill time with their shiny tools. So, we're gonna have to keep our eyes open and our mouths also or embrace the slave life that might overwhelm us step by step.

Thanks for your attention,


I live in a ex-communist country and I know how censorship tastes and trust me is not sweet at all.

How old were you at the 21st of December 1989? :-)

Three. Communism didn't die in Romania in 1989 and neither did censorship...unfortunately.

So, if you're that kind of person there's no use to continue reading because it would only be a few minutes of time wasted for you. If you do believe in conspiracies than keep on scrolling...or swiping.

No, no. One doesn't need to be a believer of conspiracy theories to understand that censorship is bad - and weather it's due to a conspiracy or not that AJ is banned from four big social media sites in a short timeframe or not doesn't really matter.

There is also no need to agree with AJ or believe in his ramblings. There is a famous old quote ...

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

It's also been said that the fight for free speech is the fight for allowing the most repulsive human beings to be able to express their most disgusting opinions.

There is a conspiracy theory that I partly believe in, that the current Norwegian and EU approach on child porn has been invented by the current content distribution industry. The "think of the children"-argument is very strong, and it's almost impossible to criticize the regulations on child porn ... it's a political suicide to talk about child porn. However, the current policy does NOTHING to protect the children being abused, it's merely sweeping the problem under the carpet: We are "protected" by some filters implemented in DNS, and - as some had predicted - now the same infrastructure is being used to make piratebay and the likes unavailable for the common plebs.

Piratebay, porn, child porn, online gambling ... that's not opinions, that's services, so blocking it isn't really censorship or an attack on free speech? I'm partly agreeing with that, but there is a fine line, and I see that line beeing breached over and over again. Like, there is the site http://lapsiporno.info/ (literally, childporn.info) which has the purpose of discussing the child porn filter. Did it get censored in Finland? You bet! There was a Norwegian site that was merely describing piratebay - not a very good site, but still I would definitively say that was more of a site with opinions than a site with services. It was shut down by the Norwegian govt.

The child porn situations are way out of my knowledge. However, I would stress more about doing something to prevent the ones making these videos and not only censor the sites. Of course censorship is needed for such videos, but the problem needs to be cut down from its roots. From what I know and it's not a direct knowledge Scandinavian countries don't have too harsh laws so probably there's no fear pushing against the authors. I also remember that massacre on that island in Norway where the author of the multiple crimes got only about 16 years of prison in punishment. I see the bigger picture also, because you're probably not used with violence, stealing and other similar crimes thus the laws are "pretty friendly". Just the other day a friend of mine told me that in Sweden thieves get a few weeks in jail and then they're out so there's no stress for them stopping them to steal. Try and do that in Germany or Austria. And it's not only immigrants involved in these crimes as Swedes seem to be interested in such practices also. Related to your topic in the comment about children I remember that the Netherlands was in talks recently about legalizing sexual relations with girls just over 14 years old.
I am an open minded person, or at least I think I am, but some limits need to be settled in this kind of situations.
However, in the case of social media, censorship is becoming a problem and that's what makes me believe in some conspiracies and much of Alex's talks are still on the level of conspiracies. So I am thinking for how long will the internet still be free and available for anyone's freedom of speech?

I also remember that massacre on that island in Norway where the author of the multiple crimes got only about 16 years of prison in punishment.

The massacre at Utøya, performed by Anders Behring Breivik? He also detonated a bomb outside the governmental buildings. I didn't follow the court case, but I would be amused if he got less than the maximum, 21 years. In reality the maximum is more than 21 years - if he's still deemed unfit for being let lose in the society after 21 years, he will still be kept in captivity, he will probably get some more freedoms, but I think he will never get out there again as a free, regular citizen, capable of committing more crimes.

What almost everyone is forgetting and nobody is addressing though is the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

I've just made a post explaining what it is and what we can do about it:

Mass Censorship: The Real Root of the Problem...(and what to do about it)


What almost everyone is forgetting and nobody is addressing though is the ROOT CAUSE of the problem.

I've just made a post explaining what it is and what we can do about it:

Mass Censorship: The Real Root of the Problem...(and what to do about it)


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