InfoWars Receives YouTube Termination Warning Over "Crisis Actor" Video

in #infowards7 years ago

Content adapted from this article : Source

InfoWars has a YouTube channel of just over 2.2 million subscribers. Now it has one strike against it.

A video suggesting the Parkland shooring survivors were coached was removed and a warning issued for violating YouTube's "harassment and bullying" policy. The video was of David Hogg had difficulty sharing what took place.

Accusations are now flying that Hogg is a "crisis actor" paid to insert himself into conflicts for the media.

This accusation is denied.

Hogg also went on CNN to refute the claims, flanked by Anderson Cooper and his father - a former FBI agent, to shoot down claims that he is a paid actor.

"I'm not a crisis actor," Hogg told CNN's Anderson Cooper on "AC360" Tuesday. "I'm someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that."

"I'm not acting on anybody's behalf," the 17-year-old added. -CNN

This is not the first time Hogg found himself in the news.

In 2017, in California, he found himself in a confrontation with a lifeguard over a boogie board.

Unlike the InfoWars video, YouTube left this one up.

Adding to the conspiracy theory is the fact that a video of a student claiming to see a second shooter was removed by YouTube. Alexa Miednik spoke to the gunman during the shooting and was asked about a second shooter.

Miednik believed that a second shooter was involved in the attack, stating "There was obviously, definitely another shooter involved." When KHOU11 reporter Matt Musil then asks Miednik "Oh, you think he was not the only one?", Miednik replies "Definitely not."

The video is still available on Twitter.

Non-adapted content found at Source

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Jones is a controlled opposition Zionist operative. His role is to give you just enough truth to gain your trust and then steer you away from looking at Zionist atrocities. He's basically a relief valve for the peoples pent up frustration.

Unfortunately many can't figure out he's playing them.

Bill Cooper, before the government goons murdered him in cold blood pegged just who and what this P.O.S. is and who he works for.

He is good at schlepping his crappy snake oil. A blubbering blathering fucking traitor who can't kiss Trumpensteins ass enough.

I can't believe any one is falling for this farce in any way shape or form. This is as bad or worse then the fake vegas thing, the fake orlando thing, the fake boston thing and on and on we go.

I think the evil doers ran out of money and power, and now are trying to get the guns before everyone wakes up to the organ harvesting, drug trafficking, human trafficking pedo rings, weapons sales, and uranium sell out among many other crimes.

The dead lawyer on the beach was in this same place and a lot of the evil is being traced to this county and congressional district right now. They are going down and trying to get rid of evidence and maybe succeeding.

As far as this poor kid - he blew it badly and has ties to the industry. He is under too much stress to function and so has to go with his dad on tv. I fear for what they are doing to him off camera.

Well, I think each information should be considered and there is no reason that YouTube should remove this video. Somehow, people can not believe but at the end of it all, we shall know the Truth.

Normally people tend to criticise a personal view, but if we look from the inside we can see the frankness and the zeal of this young guy to actually reveal the reality.

The police shouldn't be quiet and undermine this guy's intention to reach to the media has a particular reason. After all, the investigation police board will have to determine it and find the whole truth behind his appearance.

I'm glad the video is still on YouTube and before YouTube removes it, the police must give a proof and accurate reason of doing so. If we can make this world better, then we should express ourselves freely.

David Hogg is just another teen used by Alex Jones to crisis act. And we've seen these scenarios among many other media platforms. But atleast they shouldn't have taken advantage of the Parkland school shooting victims. 17 kids lost their lives.. America is still mourning them and you don't get to start conspiracies during a sad time.
I get the fact that InforWars is just another media platform looking out for more viewers and subscribers. Alex Jones knows people love following conspiracies.. and that's where he gets the money that finances InforWars. There are actually speculations that Alex Jones frequently sells products which range from water filtration systems to Vitamin D supplements to he's listeners. He asks them to purchase the products for the financial support to keep InforWars running. And it's these shows that peddle dangerous conspiracies that mostly market him to these listeners who are willing to keep supporting InforWars financially. This is a good warning from youtube. They will get shut down if they don't stop creating conspiracies. Let Alex Jones find another way of attracting viewers without taking advantage of victims of tragedies.

I have been following this guy for years. However sometime I just can’t agree with his theories. As far as I know, Alex Jones and Info Wars argued that the recent school shooting in Parkland, Florida, was a false flag operation and that survivors were actors, within hours of the Parkland shooting, Jones speculated in a radio similar to claims he made about the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. The move of You Tube Chanel might seem like little more than a face-saving slap on the wrist. But in some ways it puts YouTube at the decision making of fake, manipulative, or otherwise harmful contents. Facebook, for instance, has been battling with ‘fake news’ for years and found no definitive solution. False or misleading content tends to be very effective at getting users’ attention, which generates revenue both for its creators and the platforms that help spread it. I’m not saying that Facebook or You Tube are innocent, however since I have been watching Alex Jones and Info Wars for years, there have been few cases where Alex Jones eventually apologized, for example “Pizza Gate” case.

Yes, well... It all depends on far deep and down one is willing to venture the rabbit hole...
Personally I would venture to say that Alex Jones was co-opted maybe as recently as a decade ago when intelligence services realized he was huge with veterans and private citizen militia 2nd amendment groups.

I think his role has more or less been to act as a gatekeeper for the conservative movement, much like someone like Noam Chomsky has been a gatekeeper for the liberal movement. (I'm of course talking about the phoney left-right paradigm)

That's not to say that either are unintelligent, nor that they are wrong in a lot of the cases... Rather, what's worrying with these kinds of actors is the fact that they can be so dead wrong about very specific things when they are otherwise rather well-informed and uncontroversial on most issues they discuss...

It's this targeted misinformation that I find not only worrying about their credibility, but also makes me think they are working towards promoting a certain "sanitized" version of story, one that the system/establishment can handle perfectly well even if it were to go mainstream...

Those who have the power are those who control the story of the world, those who control the narratives playing in people's minds... At the end of the day, there are people who know beyond a shadow of a doubt what other's in this world are only capable of theorizing about... And even when those come out and supposedly speak their truth, those who theorize must also be aware that the possibility that they are being blatantly lied to exist...

The media would have us believe that questioning their legitimacy, or journalistic integrity is an insult to our entire society... It may be, but it's also equally likely that their media practices are the insult to our society and not our blatant rejection and disapproval of their false narratives.

All in all, I personally try not to get involved in stories that are super hyperbolic and full of drama... Look at something like 9/11... Everybody bought that one hook line and sinker (unless they had been following US and deep-state intelligence activities and media-news for 20 years prior and somehow could see it was all a fake from the moment it happened)...

I think in the future we will learn that some of these school shootings were absolutely true while others had a large degree of manipulation, involvement by the FBI, etc... To serve an agenda, which will eventually be exposed.

It's best not to make up one's mind with these kinds of stories and wait for those with actual information to come out and expose the gaping holes in stories like these, that we otherwise would not even be aware of.

Anyways, keep vigilant America

@zer0hedge..bro I know right. Or "Use Yandex Instead of YouTube." They fall for the false duality every single time. God damn! The elites have it easy. Like herding drugged sheep. Just imagine. If ZHers are this stupid, how absolutely hopeless the rest of the masses are. Long status quo. Short free thinkers and real change. That's my portfolio idea. Fuck all you ignorant duality dick sucker Trump believer boomer assholes. You ruined this world. Now the retard millenial SpaceX faggots you gave birth to will only ruin it more. Greatest generation thanks for sharing with us..

David Hogg's father was an FBI agent assigned to LAX. The father, Kevin R. Hogg, says on his social media that he was "in charge of the airport." There he posted pictures of Air Force One, so possibly David was allowed on board. Obama would have been President at the time, since the Hogg family left California, and their home in Torrance, in 2014. At this time Kevin R. Hogg's employment in Florida is unknown. Some sites link him with defense contractor, Cubic Corporation, but it is an older Kevin P. Hogg who is employed there.

David Hogg's mother is from the San Diego area, so apparently he was back visiting California in 2017, when he made his little lifeguard video in a small bid for fame back then.

David Hogg's videos have timestamps from the morning of February 14th, coincident with when the drill took place during the morning that several students have reported. How convenient.

Alexa Miednik obviously was interviewed in the evening hours, not at the scene. She functions in two ways -- she places Cruz at the scene (the only person to do so) and she introduces confusion to the narrative so that conspiracy theorists can be attacked. Alexa is thought by some to not even have been a current student at the school, since someone by her name should have graduated already in 2017
thanks @zer0hedge

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