How to Rank Website Google Search

in #infotech2 years ago

v Rank Your Website
If you rank your article! when you make a website you won’t get a bunch of dead baseball players popping out of a cornfield. If you build your google traffic will come from google maps. If you, do it the right way so, in this article, I’m at to share what nobody is willing to share.

Ø Organic Traffic Googles Analytics
we are going to look at the last 30 articles. I have written that have had time to rank the most recent 30 articles. Are we’re gonna see how well they ranked google traffic? If they ranked number one or number fifteen? why is it the most important thing? So first let’s head back to see and look through the numbers. We’re back and I have taken a little bit of time to check the data. I will admit, I was a little bit nervous to see this to see how those 30 articles? I wrote and performed but when I saw the results, I mean it was jaw-dropping.

Ø Google Traffic
I owned the search result which means I got position zero in the snippet. Position number one is too cool. When you can own a result best of your website for an eight-year-old position number one best your website. What is the best trailer size for website position number one? Are 50 review position number one tips for new website position number three what does it spark?

Ø Website Traffic Analytics

I can list them all here. If you want to check them out so first of all I was very excited to see that. Let’s look at the global numbers of those 30 articles 73% of them. I rank number one on Google organic traffic. Twelve percent of them I ranked number two. Fifteen percent of them ranked number three. there wasn’t anywhere! I ranked four or worse so first of all, super exciting right then I also looked at how many of those I own. The google maps traffic by owning. I mean you get to position zero and position number one. Eighteen percent of those thirty articles. I owned the search result I got the snippet and position number one that’s amazing. I mean something is clear. There to get seventy-three percent of the articles are in position number one. Eighteen percent of them owned. But that’s not very helpful to you I mean yeah, I got art my article to rank on Google what’s helpful to you.

Ø Best way to improve search engine ranking
Is it if you learn how? I did that and more important what about those articles? Where do I rank number three? What about those articles? What did I not do there? I should have done it to rank better. So those are questions that I want to answer in this article. before we do that, we’ve got to kind of talk about the way to argue against what I have said which is this? I mean you can rank number one on Google for anything. The question is whether going to Google brings traffic to your website. It is not going to bring any traffic. you could rank for it in a couple of days that’s kind of a cool experiment.

I’m gonna try it; I’m going to write an article organic search and publish it on the website. I am curious how long it’s gonna take to rank website traffic analytics. I have written my post it is 490 words of completely fictional garbage. That article is ranking number four on Google in less than a week. I have got to think that if gets to number one that’s going to bring in a few thousand people a month to the website. So, it is too cool when you’re on an established website. How much more you can rank things? But at the beginning with your first website, it’s gonna take a lot longer you got to check out this article. We did about how long it takes to get traffic from Google.

Ø Google Web Traffic
With these thirty articles then how much google web traffic? Did they bring it to the website? I was shocked when I looked at the numbers. from writing those thirty blog posts. I mean that does not take that long to do. That brought in fifty thousand page views from Google in the last 30 days. Fifty thousand page views from 30 articles. That’s good to see usually our target is 1000 page views for every article. We write sometimes we don’t quite get there sometimes. We overperform it. That kind of our baseline of what we like to see? So, this is an overperformance in the time of traffic from those articles. Alright, so we’ve shown that we can write these articles for valuable keywords. You know it’s bringing in traffic. That income this website brings in a good income every single month. Several thousand dollars then the next question is how do we do it? what secret sauce is there? A lot of things do.

Ø Increase Organic Traffic
I mean I’ve been working at this for 10 years impartial answering that question of how we can do it. let’s look at those articles on an organic search where I ranked number three and see what I missed. why did I rank number three and not number one? I have to remove all pride from this and you can not say oh no got it wrong me. Aren’t it always that being not helpful you got to look at it? By Honest look at this, why didn’t Google think my article was better? I would like to say there were three things that I did not do well. Number one in most of the cases where I ranked? Number three of my article was a little bit shorter than the other articles. Now the length is not everything. It is more about the tips the research the information that you provide in your article. If you have enough meat and good information to fill 2,500 words. All the other articles are 1,500 words there’s a good chain chance you rank higher than them. User experience is the key to Google’s rank. It’s user experience. it’s did they come to your page and immediately bounce off. Because they didn’t find what they were looking for? Did they come to your page spend five minutes and then click other links to other pages on your website? That’s a good experience for them so Google says you did a good job. Do you deserve a higher place in the search rankings? The length of the content was one. I did mess up on some of those number three articles another thing is that I didn’t do well on some of those articles.

They were kind of half-finished or rushed at that time. Ricky and I were kinds of challenged each other to write an article a day for a hundred days. So, we were kind of rushing in some of them like for example was like eleven tips. I had only written nine but it was titled 11 tips and website traffic analytics. I must have rushed and kind of pressed it. I didn’t do a very good job kind of a cruddy article. Number three I usually like to take my pictures for blog posts as much as possible. I want them to look like it’s me! it’s the real me! it’s not a stock photo you know to show that it’s a very authentic thing. I don’t want the pictures to look cruddy. I do want them to look like authentic organic traffic. We’ll use stock photos too but on some of them you know I hadn’t gone out to take Pictures. I didn’t want to take the time to get a stock photo. So, I kind of chucked whatever in there? Some of the blog posts rank number three. They weren’t well formatted and pretty looking. I imagine that does impact the user experience.

I imagine is pretty important and will be valuable for you. The best way to improve search engine ranking is with. If you have any interest at all in creating passive income websites. So, Google has published a 200-page document that increases organic traffic. They give their quality checkers when they’re rating your website. They go around and rate these websites. They give them a manual score. They’ve published the document so we can know exactly what Google is looking for on our page. if they cracked the Google code for us right? We read through it and was studying it. We’re putting it together and have all the information. You need without reading 200 of the most boring pages you’ve ever read in your life.

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