Heed This Warning, If Tyranny Is The Objective Taking Over Our Ports Is Next

in #informationwars3 years ago


After this last presidential election a majority of people have come to feel that either this election was outright stolen or that at a minimum some have concluded it wasn't honest and that cheating did occur. There's a whole host of thoughts that run through my mind like tributaries flowing off a lengthy river. Examining every feasible thought of how it is we got here to where does it go from here. I could go on to mentioning them all but this post would probably never end. With that said what I write isn't exclusive of others, there's a reason for that but as I mentioned I'd be here forever if I ran down every possible consideration of how it was we ended up with our current situation so I am going to focus on the element that I consider the most crucial to focus on and whether it merits the urgency needed to avoid it from coming to fruition.

I am going to focus on the racial aspect of it not because it seems to be the trend or that I am racist it's just that you have to honestly ask yourself how is it that we've gotten more divided, what drove us backwards when we seemed to be going forward in this country by electing the first black president in history here. How could it have even been feasibly possible that a country so unite in coming together to get the first black president elected is now seemingly so divided. I can answer that question within myself personally because the second time I voted for Obama wasn't because I really wanted to as much as it was the person who was running against him. The first time I voted for him was because I wanted to see the pride on the faces of the African American youth who walked by my house on their way home from school. I wanted them to be inspired that as an African American there wasn't anything you couldn't be if you put your mind to it. That part actually did happen, it was a wonderful experience to observe. Believe me after having my sisters two mulatto daughters more than their dad after her death I had, over the years of that experience, become accustomed to the traits of racism. To experience how far we had come from that point was exhilarating.

I am not undercutting by any means that racism still doesn't exist, I could tell that by the mean spirited looks given me standing in the line waiting to vote. I hadn't experienced anything of that length of a line in all my years of voting. Looking at, smiling along with, getting giddy about the probability of bringing forth our first elected black president was met with nasty, sometimes mean looks from some in the line. So yeah there were some that just wasn't happy about that prospect. The important thing though was that we did it, that as a nation we came together to move forward in the right direction. Unfortunately that wasn't what we ended up getting. Instead of building up and inspiring black communities during his tenure it was like we went a whole three hundred and sixty degrees backwards to the time of the race riots when I was a child.

The reality of that was rather disheartening given that I've often said that immigration into this country and the fact that Hispanics will be the majority come 2037 that the likelihood that we would see another African American president was pretty slim. That's about twenty years plus a couple more in presidential terms depending upon the terms the next presidents spent in office. Two eight year terms pretty much would cap off those couple of decades. The thought hasn't escaped my mind lately that I wasn't the only one looking at the history books consisting of one elected African American president ever. I mean really, think about it, exactly what would be the chances given that African Americans are one of the lowest demographic groups in America of ever seeing another black president.

Seeing how Obama operated during his eight years in office it's become apparent he spent his time infiltrating the inside of our government and it's intelligence agencies to make sure that wasn't going to happen. Given the severity of stealing an election without so much as a peep out of the majority of government officials and our courts you can't underestimate how deeply that infiltration went. I've even went as far as to say there's a deeper threat involved here than just the fear that Antifa or BLM would be showing up at people's doorsteps, it just not something we tolerate in this country ordinarily, and there may just well be deeper threats involved given those who he aligned himself with apologetically. But I stated I will stay focused on a particular point.

None the less he was pretty much hoping Hillary was going to win the 2016 election. He could control her in ways he wouldn't have been able to control a white male counterpart such as Trump. The guy who once owned the company Overstock even tells a story where he was brought in to set Hillary up for a bribe from a foreign country so that he could use it to control her. I don't know if the story is legit but you have to admit it's more than just what one would call a wild stretch of imagination, who'd actually have a reason to even go there. It's out of the realm of wild. Hillary would, to Obama, become one of what's becoming a number of what people term useful idiots if she had won the presidency, it was obvious he didn't even like her but you don't have to like somebody to use somebody, it happens to people everyday. As a matter of fact that's the way it usually goes. Biden is the perfect example of how far he will go to disrupt our institutions and rebuilt them to which he imagines they should be. He really didn't like him either, he was just another useful idiots whom at times he wasn't embarrassed to emphasize his lack of respect for publicly, all in jest when jest really wasn't really the intension, using a man in mental decline to steal election reflects that, he knows no shame. He had four years to plan out how to steal back the office of the presidency and finish finalizing his plans and if people don't wake up and start realizing what phase three holds we are going to be in for a whole lot of hurt in this country.

By now most are painfully aware that Biden isn't pulling the strings here. This is an Obama third term being run behind the scene's by him and those from within his prior administration with the help of some useful idiots. One of those useful idiots is Nancy Pelosi. Many may not even realize that she has deep seated misplaced notion that she herself and her family have been discriminated against because of race. In a recent book published on her life during the time her father was mayor of Baltimore that her brother Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro was falsely accused of being involved in the kidnap and rape of two young girls because of his race. Despite the two young girls saying he raped them alongside of other men involved and those men testifying he was involved he was acquitted of his involvement:

Agents had written that Franklin Roosevelt D’Alesandro was arrested and acquitted on charges that saw others convicted of raping two girls aged 11 and 13. The young D’Alesandro, who died in 2007, also was tried and acquitted of perjury in relation to that case.

In her book Nancy describes her brothers charges as him being the "Rosa Parks" of his time. In other words it's was because of his race that others accused him of being involved. Her father, a corrupt politician connected to the mob sat in the audience everyday of the trial. He was not only known for his mob connections but he also appeared at rally's and aligned himself with socialist communist groups:

“In 1945 it was alleged that one Charles F. Cammarata had been able to get away with all sorts of criminal activities in Baltimore, Maryland, and had operated almost unmolested due to his friendship with and the protection of Congressman D’Alesandro,” one unnamed agent wrote in a Jan. 30, 1961 memo to the White House.

In the same memo, which begins on page 38 of the files, the agent summarizes allegations that D’Alesandro took payoffs from applicants to the police force, and that he helped to hinder the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

Elsewhere, the memo cites a “confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past,” reporting that D’Alesandro appeared onstage at a 1943 rally for the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, which was formed in 1943 by the Communist Party USA as a Soviet front group, according to the FBI.

The following year, the memo notes, D’Alesandro was reported as the main speaker at an event for the International Workers Order, an insurance organization placed on a list of subversive organizations by the U.S. attorney general in 1947 and later disbanded by order of the New York State Insurance Department for being too closely aligned with the Communist Party, in violation of regulations prohibiting political activity in the industry.

So now we can see why Pelosi is a useful idiot, she was brought up to believe that it was because of race and not behaviors that entitles people to become angry. People out committing crimes are merely Rosa Parks being accused of doing such because of race and people looting and burning their neighborhoods are just angry that cops won't leave the Rosa Parks of the world alone. We also see where her inclination to lean towards socialism comes from. Rosa Parks was a beautiful brave gift to our world, to have her imagined disparaged in comparison to criminals and that no one has step forward in outcry over the comparison shows you how mentally deranged these people are. Their lunacy knows no bounds. Getting people angry though was key. It isn't just a key of distraction it is a very fundamental key needed to finalize control. That key will ultimately lead to the finalization of complete control.

Obama sat in the white house for eight years assigning, bribing and corrupting our intelligence agencies. The results of that can be seen not only during the Trump administrations many battles against them but by the lack of charges brought up against any of them involved in bringing forth false allegations against his administration. During Obama's tenure we also witnessed the start of the beat down of our law enforcement agencies. That's a pretty instrumental start to dismantling the structure within our police and military because these forces are heavily occupied by a conservative base of men. This objective is phase two of control. There just isn't enough money in this world to bribe yourself into your own army so you create your own. You would be limited in your scope so you have to strategically plan where these forces will be implemented. This is an extremely vital step upon any successful completion of implementing and restructuring phase two because even if you were only half way successful you may be able to ward off the other half. The planning towards phase three would take years to implement, it would entail having to take down the political structure of some states, getting useful idiots elected and making life is so unbearable that businesses and people who didn't agree with the political structures involved handling of the situations would just move out of the states. Just what states would hold such value to them? The largest importer states in our country. If you don't believe it go take a look at a map of where the majority of rioting, burning and looting is going on. Then go do yourself a google search of the major ports in the United States.

Once they stole this election I had to ask myself just how do they think that in the long term they could hold onto to such power. One answer would be to take control of imports and exports. Why is this so vital? Because we, and I've seen it often, often talk about in any potential civil war situation we'd just starve out the over populated liberal states. Then I started thinking they, being on the coast(s) could just import food, then the thought hit me that they could import food but we wouldn't be able to import the materials necessary to build any defense mechanism against them. What's left of our steel manufacturing facilities is limited, most of our mines have been shut down, we'd have very limited capacity to produce any weapons of war. Taking control of the imports and exports of the country is the last step toward tyranny. That's why tearing apart the states with the largest imports is crucial to the plan. The real icing on the cake of that for me was realizing that Wisconsin and Minnesota has a gross domestic product of six trillion dollars, those two states would be the third largest economy in the world if they were countries. The ports on the east and west coast were a given. I was rather surprised by how high up on the scale Tacoma Washington was, along with Seattle, 8 and 6 respectively in the top imports in the world, that's what made them crucial, undoubtfully most of us know the significance of such ports in Los Angles and New York but many of us wouldn't have realized the value or volume coming into Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Maybe I am crazy here but I'd think there's some speculation warranted when one can ask themselves what would happen if I went and looked up what states have the major rioting, looting and destruction going on in correlations to the imports and exports into this country and every single place has a major port, some have multiple major ports. Is that a coincidence or not? If they are not rioting, looting and burning in some states they are continually harassing those states, like Florida and Texas, it isn't that they haven't tried creating unrest in those states they just haven't been as successful at it. Surprisingly though they aren't in the top thirty for imports and exports. New York being one of the biggest it came as no surprise why the left, unlike others aligned with the same accusations against them, decided to go after Cuomo. Though some may view him as well aligned on the left he just isn't aligned enough for them. They don't want someone with enough political clout to talk back to them they want someone whose going to do exactly as they dictate because implementing complete control over New York is crucial in any potential overall game plan such as this.

This new infrastructure bill they are trying to pass when they say water infrastructure for replacing things like lead pipes don't even think they are even going to go there. Seriously, they barely even cared that the people of Flint actually suffered major lead poisoning, that money will be used to advance the "water" infrastructure needed to take complete control over the states with the largest imports coming into this country via bribes to local officials. Once they tear these states down enough to get the useful idiots they need elected it's all downhill from there. In my mind once we've done watched an unabated steal of our election processes we seriously got to contemplate what the plan is for complete tyranny. We have a man sitting in our oval office who wasn't legitimately elected operating a third term for someone who has had years to slowly and systemically plan to tear down our institutions to build back what he thinks is better. He can't accomplish that goal unless he controls everything. He knows that. You also need to be aware of that. If tyranny is the objective the rioters are his army and they must be dealt with accordingly. Sometimes useful idiots don't know that they are in fact exactly that.

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