Maxine Waters flushes the election down the toilet!

in #informationwars6 years ago (edited)

Maxine Waters has, in her own mind, disposed of President Trump. She plans to do nothing else until that happens if the Democrats get a majority, that has been made crystal clear.

But now she has admitted that Vice President Pence is her next target for vitriol, and impeachment! Apparently all you need do to be impeached, is to oppose the mighty Maxine Waters. According to HER, That is enough, and she will personally over ride the will of the People, and the results of our electorial process,because proper RULE must be re-established!

THIS is one Evil woman!


She's a fanatical cult member for sure.

Amen, I think she is possessed! No human can be that EVIL without professional help!


I think the thoughts in her head in the middle of the night she talked about are voices from the evil spirits attached to her. Seriously!!!! I am not kidding here. Even her physical appearance is getting more and more I guess you would call it haggish. Not to be mean but look.

Accuracy is not mean, I agree, by her actions, I can say that she is possessed. She has sold her soul, and is working actively, for the Devil now, IMHO!

Sad, because it is always sad to see him win, but he owns this one!


Her favorite type of tea is peach-mint!

She is too stupid to know that not agreeing with HER; is NOT an impeachable offence! Her cheering Minions are apparently just as stupid as she is, SMH!


It all stems from the I mean dem's not being able to accept election results. We have to vote big in November, I'm serious when I say they want to kill bible believing Christians and patriots.

November NEEDS to be the biggest smack down they have ever received! These CHILDREN, need to be replaced by true representatives in the ORIGINAL sense!

We need patriots that are serving temporarily, to help the Republic! People that do what is right, then go home.

The only way the dark side can win (just like in Star Wars) is to kill those that oppose them, and rule the remaining sheeple! They DO want us dead, and will stop at Nothing to finish us.


Very well said. If Hitlery would have been President we would already be dead she joked about putting people she disagreed with in camps (fema)

If she had stuffed the ballot boxes enough to claim a win, there would be blood in the streets by now. There would be open civil war right now, and many people would be dead.

Their naivety and ignorance will be their undoing. They think they can control the situation, and rule the what remains; but if they do manage to start this feces, they will not come out the other side.

They do not have the survival skills to pull that off.


sir smithlabs, yes sir she is not very nice but I don't think she's going to get her way do you?

If people understand what they are planning for this country, they will be swept out with the other trash; which is fitting and proper!

But they are being very closed mouth about their plans, hoping to ooze into a majority, so they can finish off the elective process. There goal is to begin over 100 investigations the day they begin to run the house; with the goal of impeachment. that is the ONLY business they plan to transact, Until President Trump is removed, period.

This will be a direct attempt to overthrow the duly elected government of this Republic!


sir smithlabs..I don't get it. first of all, how do you know what their plans are? and secondly, why would they want Pence as president since he would be able to work with everyone, be better liked, and actually get more done probably, could even start bringing the country together a little bit.

Pence is a neo-con

They want him out too, the only thing (Yes thing) that is acceptable to them is a liberal hack. ANYTHING else draws continuous attacks from the left. They will do NOTHING else, until they get their way! This is a kindergarten style temper tantrum!

Our only safe option is to remove them in bulk at the next election! We walk a political tight rope here; and any misstep is fatal to the Republic!


yes I've heard that too, thanks for your opinion t-mo!

My previous Informationwars post listed Pelosi's impeachment plans, includes the 100+ investigations they have planned.

As far as Pence, Maxine is intending to impeach him too; to begin as soon as Trump is removed. She says in this post, that they have to do one at a time, and will need to begin with Trump.

They do NOT want the country brought together! Division is the strongest tool they have, so they can say he got more than you did, because of his"xyz" what ever that is! This is their only real tool...lies and deception, and division (xyz) is the best thing to lie about.


ok sir smithlabs, I don't remember seeing that about Pelosi, was that something you wrote or quoted or in a video?

INFORMATIONWAR, my friend. Not informationwars. They can't find you.

...and Maxine. I think she's truly too stupid to be truly that evil. The really evil ones are intentionally so. She may be evil, but more by

Rats, I screwed up! The first sort I can't edit either. OH WELL, life is not boring....


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