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RE: Oregon Wild Fires. Drought and Californication.

in #informationwars6 years ago

Very comprehensive post, I didn't know things were getting so bad there. It seems water contamination is becoming a big issue in the states now.

It seems to me that it is crazy that 35 million people live in California, when southern California can't support itself water-wise.

Hopefully rains will come soon to Oregon.


We like the rain for sure. It always seems like a lot. But then you bring up 35 million people. They have been talking about putting a fresh water pipeline from the Sierras to LA.

It's amazing how we are able to maintain cities like LA and Las Vegas.

Better to tell those people to move to areas with more natural water. Then again, they might ruin those places too...

The 8 months of rain just stopped for a quick summer break!

I miss it already.

I don't! The river is high right now!

It would also help if companies like Nestlè were denied water rights for their water bottling in drought areas, and there was more oversight of their operations.

Agree - it is insane that water needed for drinking / farming etc. is taken by a corporation and turned into some sickening sweet gloop beverage.

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