Inconvienient truth: Florida shooting hasn't killed nearly as many as Dozier school for boys did or those snuffed in the rampant porn and child porn market there

in #informationwars7 years ago (edited)

Talking about 17 deaths in florida of teens is a joke. This article is from the smithsonian of which not a fan. I post it because even if it attempts suddly to push it as an "archeological" event . Read the date the school closed. 2011. It went on until then. Its probably like the Franklin case most former recent victims die odd deaths so of course no proof of sadistic rapists psychos. If no one notices it was even there that makes it easy.

Florida has a long history of Snuff and pedophiles. Black ops and military human testing. Disney Pedo Cult is big there with their pedophile catering vacations. Face it Florida is a human trafficking elite and military industrial complex hub. Disney is sovereign territory but they have outer networks, studios and underground networks galore.

This network always placed selves strategically. Read the art of war. Then read the satanist pedpophile and or or cannibal clans beliefs. They all believe themselves to be supreme and that their rituals on humans especially children empower them. There is no need to invent a Michael Aquino he has been recieved with open arms by military and government. This is not theory its fact.

Florida is rampant with Michael Aquinos and the mk ultra program. I am not joking about their sick studios with sick uses or for their role playing teams to create false flags. Me digging into them in late 2013 into 2014 and hitting Disney, Family vacation pedo crowd nests (oh I did) led to the most brutal targeting and mk following. Thats when you know you rattled the snakes.

Thats when the attacks got huge and they actually got visibly in my face letting me know I was surrounded and set up. Before I show video let and explain let me preface it with I was reduced to an RV park after going after adam Levine part of his bandmates and 50 "does" then whistleblowing on trapwire and government surveillance during my legal pursuit found in my devices while trying to stop it all (i had an amazing life up & home before 2012 events).

During his invasion there was the satanists pedos found in my devices. It gets really awkward because while he totally violated me & my family he also protected us from them and Shirley Aida Wintsch. Who she is and related to is key. Last I looked years ago her brother was in Florida working in entertainment or something. Her father owns and runs the London school of english in tenerife but lineage goes back to Newark NJ and its murky. She's an mk victim born into it.

Its one of the pedogate networks nests and spy satanist training rape camps islands are great covers. They really do have schools take refugees or orphans and just... But also *wealthy connected cult members Not kidding. Its all traceable. I hit them multiple times.

My older post explaining

So when I was figuring out their techniques, ratlines and something internal like a (coup) had happened via global network and contractors, fvey protected them the skull and bones literally raised flag in lot during the time of video post below. Skull and bones. Florida. The coding I mention in various videos matters.

Like I said satanists pedophiles and traffickers, many foster parents make all kinds of pay and particpate in gangstalking to protect network, doctors, lawyers, shop owners, nurses, police due to having been in film it was easy to note them surrounding or following me on cue to frame me as punishment for what I exposed and silence me. No one would believe it then but now that the code world is out.. What I taped is them in real time. They are many. Your #1 USA...

Back to escalation after already qualifying for "enemy of the state" while pointing out: what did that make Adam for interfering with them to make sure I didn't die while he was forbidden to settle with me by the owners, I mean talent and branding management? Wake the fuck up its ghetto. In 2012 no one would believe it but now? Its all traceable and everyones view if you take the time to look and exposes a DARK side of the entertainment industry: the underbelly is real and stars are tortured then made to get on stage and live a lie. When they act up and they can't kill them:

see Christina Grimmie Adams former contestant

Shot dead live while performing with "before you exit" in ORLADNDO FLORIDA:

the MK programs never ended and this shit is GOVERNMENT APPROVED

Heres type of harrassment I endured during florida exposure and role playing satansgate studios.. Its not cool.

Neighbor kept coming over uninvited son was a convicted pedophile. Told he never come back. Results.

I never threatened anyone at all. I had been threatened, followed even by cops and the shit was hitting the fan. The neighbor in question kept coming over and talking to me about dead kittens. We were not friends. That morning I realised she was setting me up for child trafficking right there. So I told her I wasn't interested in her cat stories and not to come back.
Why are there videos of me filming people talking about animals and code; Its not just used online. These videos are people framing me for pedogate and all the whistleblowing I've done. They hate me and I'm a liability.. My only defense was filming them. Outing pedophiles, undercover agents and their gangstalking.

No threats and no elaborationto her because anything you say can and will be used against you. So she made up discomfort "feeling threatened" and the other contractors or agents in RV lot said same. They had pushed me to extreme. Both RV's on each side where digitally framing me I was meshed.. Via the RV office where they installed a "masseuse/therapist" . I had no money and nowhere to run. So they did this to squeeze me into popping a fuse.

*note guy in blue
He is ready to tackle me in begining. Contractor? FBI? Not Sheriff.

*Note convo with 2nd cop later who refuses to note when door was broken into light almost caught fire due to bulb being against it. It happened all by itself. I haven't had gas or propane since 2012. Its better to avoid potential "accidents". The truth is stranger than fiction and florida is a hornets nest of pedophiles. It almost killed me last time I brought it up. So wake the fuck up and see where true terror lays; fisa and the organizations we are supposed to trust.

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