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RE: Would we be safer without guns?

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

If you really think what Count Dankula posted was hilarious:

What you need to do, @funbobby51. Is go to Times Square, New York City. Midday. The day after the next school shooting.

Spend an HOUR shouting the following two sentences and the following two sentences alone:

  1. "I'm just exercising free speech as I'm constitutionally allowed to."

  2. "I'm making a video. I need to borrow a dog to teach the expression, 'SHOOT ALL KIDS' to".

If you don't get murdered in that hour / phone the police and beg for police protection....

I'll buy you the fucking boat.

Just post a video showing you doing this please. One more thing, you're to be dressed in street clothing. Ie. No stab vests. No bullet-proof jackets.

What a dickhead you are, @funbobby51! :D


no you won't, no matter how many times you post that. I like when people come up with crazy challenges and start calling names, that means their argument is lost.

I lost the argument when you ran off to make some posts that were supposed to drag some helpers into the discussion for you?

I like when people run off crying to their mates.

Did it really need THREE posts? PMSL. :D

I lost the argument when you ran off to make some posts that were supposed to drag some helpers into the discussion for you?

no when you started calling names and you came up with your bizarre challenge. I laughed at loud at the dragging helpers in idea, that's very funny. No the idea of posting the discussion was to make some money off of it, otherwise I wouldn't waste my time.

I like when people run off crying to their mates.
Did it really need THREE posts? PMSL. :D

Why not, I spent my time writing, did you think I was doing that just because I wanted to talk to you? I like how triggered it got you and you choose to project "crying" on it. Do you do that a lot, was crying to your mates the intent of your post?

I don't like wasting my time on people I regard as idiots but I don't feel I was particularly triggered. I spent a lot of time trying to help you. Help you understand the power of words. But you failed, bigly time.

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