Susan Collins will vote yes on Kavanaugh ensuring his confirmation

in #informationwar6 years ago

"In a defining moment of her political career, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said Friday she will join fellow Republicans in voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court in a move likely to clinch President Donald Trump’s second nomination to the high court."

Thank God Kavanaugh will be confirmed. With this nomination Trump will have enough votes in the Supreme Court to declare a national emergency. Then finally start to round up criminal swamp creatures like Hillary Clinton, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and, Barack Obama. Also with Kavanaugh on the court I can see him overturning Roe vs. Wade effectively making the modern day satanic practice of abortions illegal. Had the Democrats aligned with globalist interests not attacked his wife and children Roe vs. Wade may have been kept in tact. They didn't just "red pill" the guy. They've made a honest God fearing man their enemy. A man with integrity and now power to stop there agenda.

"Before the allegations emerged, Democrats and abortion-rights groups feared that Kavanaugh could be the deciding vote in overturning Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision guaranteeing abortion access, though Collins in August noted that he called Roe “settled precedent.” They looked to Collins, who has supported abortion rights, as an ally."

This is just speculation but I can honestly see him reconsidering his position on Roe vs. Wade. After all that he's been though it just makes sense that he'd want to do the right thing here. Which brings us to what's about to happen next. Once Kavanaugh has been confirmed you're going to see an escalation of the left and that means open violence in the streets. If you're an elected official Antifa has made you their target. Let us keep our elected officials in our prayers and keep our rifles at our bedsides.  

source: ""


With you all the way on this. If Kavanaugh was a Hollywood celebrity he would have sued the Democrats by now for slander and about 9 other things I'm sure he can pursue.

If Democrats were in school, they would be expelled. If they ran a corporation they would be fired. If they had a best friend they don't now.....who would trust them? But some yahoos will vote for the Congressional JV team and we will continue to struggle.

Civil unrest is right around the corner, supported by and prompted by Maxine Waters. Who should be charged with inciting riots.

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