Nervous Democrats ask: Could disaster strike again on election day?

in #informationwar6 years ago

"Ferguson is one of many Democrats who felt the string of unexpected defeat in 2016 and are now closely — and nervously — watching the current election near its end, wondering if history will repeat itself. This year, instead of trying to win the presidency, Democrats have placed an onus on trying to gain 23 House seats and win a majority."

Nervous makes sense after what CNN's Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer called Kanye West after his open support of Donald Trump. Although their audience has dwindled over the years these comments didn't go unnoticed or unreported. This type of behavior has the potential to change the political landscape drastically. It wouldn't surprise me to discover Americans waking up to the double standard that exists when it comes to the left. Antifa who claims anti fascist as their credo uses fascist tactics to silence people into submission using fear. Leftist media outlets who play the identity politics game can openly espouse racist rhetoric while calling conservatives racist. The lunacy is off the charts with this socially engineered protest and outrage culture. People are caring less and less about how others feel and would welcome the return to the stability that logic can offer. 

"But Clinton’s decision not to campaign in a state she’d lose, Wisconsin, and the failure of pollsters everywhere to miss a wave of Trump supporters in red areas are mistakes Democrats are still grappling with today."

If these were the only mistakes that the Democratic party had to deal with the situation would be completely different. As a result of the election Donald Trump has exposed the party for what it truly has become; infiltrated by globalists interests intent on world domination. Allied with Islamic forces hell-bent on destroying western civilization in trying to build their Caliphate. Allied with the communist Chinese who have their own interests in seeing the west burn. Democrat policy positions like open borders, universal health care, abortion rights, and LGBTQ+P rights have energized a growing opposition movement against them. It's hard to see the forest through the trees when you exist in an ideological echo chamber. People are mobilizing against them because they're tired of being told how and what to think. The mass hypnotic spell is coming to an end and it's good to see. What's unprecedented here is that we're not only going to see the Democratic party destroyed but mass arrests and civil unrest during this transition of power.

sources: "" | ""

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