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RE: Capitalism and Mental Health

in #informationwar5 years ago

Pemit me to remark that capitalism is NATURE , hence it can't be second to none in preference!!
Capitalism, like nature has inherent, but unseen stabilizing mechanisms which will enae it weather any turbulence without much external intervention!

Negative death stats, notwithstanding, life is still much more meaningful in the United States as compared to a repressive governments like China and Saudi Arabia.


On the contrary, capitalism is anything but natural. It is only a propaganda that makes capitalism good thing. It was never good. Today capitalism is in its final, ecocidal phase, since the big corporations would rather destroy the planet than miss a handfull of dollars more profit. Karl Marx proved its destructive nature scientifically while he was trying to save capitalism as a system. You should read his works, it doesn’t hurt at all. Or at least listen to the professor Richard Wolff.

Good response !! I never expected the contrary!!

But take note that Capitalism is naturalism. We can't doubt this and be Scott free.

Remember natural selection phenomena in your biology studies?? Was it a propaganda , that the fittest displaces others by competion??

Karl Marx must be regretting in his grave now!


His dream USSR has been dismantled by Capitalism. His atheistic gymnastics has been supplanted by a growing Christian community which the Government has almost adopted as a state religion!!

Capitalism has anexed China and Cuba. North Korea Communism is in its dying phase!!

Godly capitalism is natural. Embrace it now!!

But take note that Capitalism is naturalism. We can't doubt this and be Scott free.

No, it isn’t. Your observation on biology was addressed long ago. Aristotle said “Antropos zoon politikon”, which in wrong translation says “The man is a political animal” while the true meaning is “The man is a social being”. That is what political hierarchical matrix is doing — giving all wrong meanings to the words, so it could manipulate people. Then, I think Friedrich Nietzsche said that tiger cannot choose his nature — he is always a tiger. A man has a freedom of choice — he can chose if he wants to be good or evil. That is what differs us from animals. And if you are trying to defend Capitalism on the basis of “naturalism”, you are actually doing just what the political hierarchical matrix wants from you — you reduce people to animals.

Karl Marx must be regretting in his grave now!


His dream USSR has been dismantled by Capitalism.

First, USSR was never Communism. Stalin just did a political trick, like any politician would do — and labeled his Imperial regime as — Communism. Label does not make true. Hitler called his party Nazional Socialist, labeling the worst possible strain of Fascism with a ‘progressive’ name. Crooked politicians do it all the time and the gullible believe.

Now, if you want to know the truth, you have to go to the source. If you have been reading Marx’s works, you would see that his theoretical model of Communism (he never lived to see any practical attempt) does not need a State. In his vision of the future, Feudalism replaced Slavery because it had less oppression, Capitalism replaced Feudalism because it had less oppression, and the society which can reduce oppression of Capitalism will have the right to call itself a Socialism. Everything else are empty labels. And Socialism will be just a transitional period which will allow dying of the state (the true anarchy as defined by Emmanuel Kant), and Communism. All else is just a Capitalist propaganda. Please read the sources. Germans had a great philosophers in the 19. Century.

Capitalism has anexed China and Cuba. North Korea Communism is in its dying phase!!
Godly capitalism is natural. Embrace it now!!

When you start learning, you will never enter social media with such paroles. And when you start learning, only then you can finally be free.

In summary, you are judging capitalist as evil; no doubt from your perspective as chosen, not as empirically determined truth!!

It’s a scientifically determined truth. Philosophy is a science. Karl Marx was a scientist. He simply he explained the concepts and got terminology in order. The same terminology that centralized political hierarchical matrix is trying to break and assure you that anybody can have equally correct opinion about this matter. You may argue about the matter, but first you have to KNOW what the matter is. And that means you have to read and listen to the both sides.

If you read and listen just one side, you are a victim of propaganda.

Lol!! I have studied both economic policies, both historically and scientifically.

Scientifically, it is only capitalism that give freedom of production to individuals.
Communism dwells on sharing common wealth which is either endowed by nature or produced by few! It is a subtle cannibalism!

This account for its death worldwide!!

Do you see the economic havoc socialism is wreaking in Venezuela?

If you have studied, you have listened just one side — capitalist. Communism is not what they tell you. Read from the source. Read Marx. And don’t mix states that has label “communist” with the theoretical concept of Communism. Otherwise, you could ask yourself how is “communist” China economically destroyed capitalist United States.

And BTW, Venezuela was not a socialist country even under Chavez. It is a private-initiative driven society. They just don’t want to give over their oil to the U.S. capitalists, and therefore they were labeled “socialists”. See Max Blumenthal from The Grayzone project, he was there.

Here, you can compare havoc in capitalist Puerto Rico with “socialist” Venezuela, side by side:

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