Analyzing and Fixing Problems With ICE, Immigration, Law and Dissolution of Families Based on First Order Principles

in #informationwar6 years ago

I was going to write a follow up to my previous post on the school system. But I came across this video and wanted to write about it. There is enough details in the video to fill up 2 articles. What I want to focus on reactions and solutions instead of being another one to point y finger at something that is wrong with the world.

Nobody needs to tell you how terrible the situation has become with big government and all sorts of political action. There are too many good people that are hurt. I don't have the full statistics. So this could even be a minority of incidents. But here is the thing:

Our Decisions and Responses Should Be Based on Principles and Nothing But Principles

Animals of the wild have their groups and tribes. Animals decide based on practicality. But in the case of humanity, we can do better. We can "choose" principles to replace genes and traditions.

The worst part about the video on ICE Wreaking Families was not really the content of the video but the reactions it got. The likes to dislikes was 1:2 and the comment section looked grim. The video was uploaded by ReasonTV which describe themselves as:

The planet's leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective.

But the responses had almost nothing to do with libertarian free market principles. It looked more like a bunch of alt-right nationalists and leftists eating each other's heads off. It was full of ad hominems, logical fallacies, intentional omission of details (or never bothering to even watch the video, or simply being illiterate to know that having a Green Card means that a person is staying in USA legally) and lots and lots and lots of tribalism and labeling. Basically nothing that is going to help the actual families that are facing troubles.

Raison D'être of Law

raison d'être:
(plural raisons d'être or raison d'être or raison d'êtres)
Reason for being. The claimed reason for the existence of something or someone; the sole or ultimate purpose of something or someone. (literally "reason to be")

Law exist to protect people against aggression and make their lives easier. Protecting law is pointless. Law protecting the non-aggressors is its ultimate purpose. Idiots from the right wing would tell the evil left about protecting the country and how non-US citizens don't get constitutional rights. These are the exact reasons that were used as a defense for the multi--billion dollar surveillance programs which are actually more of a threat to non-US citizens than the US citizens.

To build a civilization, (first) aggression should be rooted out. Force can only be stopped by equal or greater force and therefore we need law enforcement. The only purpose of law and government is ensuring well being of those who live according to the Non-Aggression Principle and settle their disputes peacefully. Anything above and beyond this easily ends up becoming a cancer.

We all know how evil the left is. So here is a nice clip for nationalist right wingers:

“Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us."

  • Walter Block

Look Not For Reasons To Do Something But At The Consequences of Doing It

Past is not something we can change. Until recently posting a video of you singing "Happy Birthday to You" was a crime. Harvey A. Silverglate's book "Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent" illustrate how anybody could be made into a criminal.


"Did you really think that we want those laws to be observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against - then you'll know that this is not the age for beautiful gestures. We're after power and we mean it. You fellows were pikers, but we know the real trick, and you'd better get wise to it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted - and you create a nation of law-breakers - and then you cash in on guilt. Now, that's the system"

  • Atlas Shrugged

I'm not saying that there is a conspiracy to break down families and hurt innocent harmless individuals. What's actually going on is something much worse. We have messed up incentives and a system guided without a single principle behind it. We have a system that is mere doing "stuff".It is easier to break something than build something. What is happening is a disjointed uncoordinated mess of actions initiated without thinking of consequences destroying everything. Then we have 2 groups of people talking about right and wrong of actions while calling each others names.

We Lack Real Libertarians, Anarcho-Capitalists and Voluntaryists

When you see someone supporting reduced governments, fighting the system, rule of law or free markets, most of them are not doing them out of principles but out of identity politics. If you want a perfect example of it, look at the comments on YouTube of the very first video I shared.

Fixing Problems

How are you going to actually help families? Let's go to first principles. There are basic survival needs. In today's society money is required to access these necessities. How do we get the money to those who are in need? Tax people and have a massive bureaucratic organization oversee the use of funds. Projects like @adollaraday @familyprotection @fundition @kedjom-keku @save-elephants and others on STEEM have shown how to help both fellow humans and the environment. It's called direct donations by the community.

But how does community give so much money?

Just cut the tax and promote giving and enhance communication with those who are in need and those who are happy to give. That way you cut the middle men and allow the receivers of the charities to gain more. For those who say that charity cannot be done without government forcing your hand and taking stuff from your wallet;

What About Illegal Aliens?

What about box office flops? Does it mean that they were bad. Half of the masterpieces I know were flops. So don't ask irrelevant questions. Go back to first principles. Ask what kind of individuals help sustain a good society. A god system keeps those who are good and get rid of the bad. Let's look at few approaches.

Keep an eye for violent crime and eye out of victimless crimes and manufactured crimes. Good people preserve the NAP. Good people use force in defense but not offense. Take action against violent criminals. If your "alien" isn't violent, give them a chance. Everybody deserves a chance. Let them make a living and keep an eye on them. Get rid of the welfare. Those systems bring out the worst in people to game the system. Let the "aliens" compete in a free market. Let them offer their value to the society before judging. If they don't do well enough, they will be driven out due to economic conditions. That's all fine. The country has no loss.

If the "alien" becomes the next Nikola Tesla, Elon Musk or Ayn Rand, then there is a lot to be gain. Even an average well mannered productive person/family would be welcomed by the community with open arms (unless the community is a bunch of idiots or downright malicious)

Some Wisdom From Doug Casey

Doug Casey is one of my favorite writers/investors and he speaks perfectly sensibly.

"For example, in the 1840s and ‘50s, there were the starving and penniless from Ireland fleeing the potato famine. Over the centuries, most of the immigrants to the new world were not rich adventurers on holiday, coming over to see the exotic flora and fauna. They were typically the most persecuted and impoverished people from all over Europe. These were desperate and sometimes dangerous people, fighting for survival. The ones who did so successfully were among the most resourceful, driven, and creative – in other words, just the sort of people who can add value to an economy."

"........... in those days, immigrants had to work and produce in order to survive. There were none of the counterproductive policies I mentioned above; no welfare, no unemployment benefits, no health care subsidies, no government housing projects, no subsidized transportation, none of these things. So immigrants had to start producing immediately and become self sustaining right away, or they’d starve. That sounds harsh to modern ears, but if they were starving where they came from and had limited opportunities, just the chance to not starve in America, with its unlimited opportunities, was an attractive prospect."

Equality in Oppertunity

Nobody should be denied an opportunity to live a good life on their merits. That is only going to stop the progress of the world. I see 4 things that are massively help a person's life and well being in this context.

  • A peaceful envoronment
  • A good economy
  • A good education
  • A good family

Developed countries are obviously peaceful (even if they have wars all over the planet) and they have a decent economy (a market bubble isn't a North Korea or Venezuela). Unless you are stupid enough to go to college, education can be relatively easy to acquire as long as you have access to internet and a local library)

As a person who is living with his parents afterquitting highschool I greatly understand how much of a help a family can be. It's like a price floor. There is only so low things can go for you when you are with a family where you are related by blood, or like this guy:

Families/Communities Are Like Decentralized Hubs of a Country

They are also hard to maintain unless you are a group of productive citizens or a group of hardcore criminals. If law enforcement simply put their focus on violent criminals and citizens are allowed more free flowing income via reduced/abolished taxation and manufacturing of crimes stop, the NAP abiding people will take care of themselves.


When violent criminals are not handled properly, the peace start diminishing. When free markets are messed with, economy starts crumbling. When miseducation takes over, the progress and innovation comes to halt. Most governments have severely messed up with all of the above. The only thing that is barely hanging is communities.

Great communities are based on great ideas. I don't even know the faces of most of my steemit friends. I don't even know their names let alone country, ethnicity or religion. But a large portion of my greatest friends are actually on steemit. It's the greatest massive online community on Earth. If you've been around, you should know this as much as I do. So try to imagine how things would be if everywhere was like steemit...... or even better.

This is not an emotional argument. This is an argument based on Principles, Logic with the intent for a Bright Future.

Happy Steeming!

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When the people who control our lives and the system consider us "the cannon fodder which, unfortunately, populates this world," then to see bickering like this makes you think that we are just proving their point. Make no mistake, we are all in the same boat as far as they are concerned and at best they would be happy for us to stop breeding and at worst they would happily euthanise us.

There are nearly 7 billion people currently in the world and those with the most power and influence want to bring that down to 500 million. Do you think they care if we can't even unite ourselves because we're too busy pointing fingers and blaming each other for everything bad in the world?

It makes me so sad when people tear into each other like that.

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