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RE: Freedom Alert! Your help is desperately needed to save due process.

in #informationwar6 years ago

This bill sounds dangerous.

Now, I must admit that what surprised me the most was this:

I left a message for my representative, hopefully he calls back before tomorrow. I want to ask him for some specific cases in MA where this law was needed. I bet there are not any.

Do they have direct contact with their legislators? In fact, they call back and discuss the bill?


He didn't call back today but I will call again tomorrow. I have spoken with both state and local lawmakers and I even cornered my congressional representative on Thanksgiving one time. I once testified to a state legislative committee. Where you live you can't call your legislators? Usually you have to talk to someone in their office before you talk to them. I was a little surprised and disappointed he did not return my call today.

Well, I know people who work with several local servants, and therefore, I could get in touch, but as far as I know, here it is not usual for people to get in touch with local servants.

if I had a concern for my federal congressman I could eventually get in touch with him.

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