in #informationwar6 years ago

Perhaps it is believed that the crimes of this sordid dictatorship will be forgotten and unpunished as the case of Fernando Albán and many others, the accurate answer is that; in no way, nor any other death or torture sooner or later, it will be time for them to render an account before justice and before humanity to those responsible, both intellectual and material.

All the guilty that are alive, will pay their thefts. Remember the Nazi, Japanese, Balkan and other war criminals ...

The latest outrages of this totalitarian and oppressive tyranny of tyranny in the face of the massive cases of systematic and selective violations of human rights, the appalling corruption of the regime in all orders, the surrender of our sovereignty to the invading Cuban intruder, and terrorist groups, guerrillas , and narco traffickers, among other criminals, has ruined national patience.

This is intolerable, inadmissible and constitutes a serious offense to freedom and human dignity.
Let's call the rebellion, not the insurrection. It is time to say enough to so much barbarism, to so much official crime, we are paying with our blood and that of our children, while the hierarchs of the regime live in mansions, surrounded by servants and bodyguards.

The great life is given to the cost of the blood, sweat and tears of the Venezuelans, they travel in private planes and armored trucks, and they taste copious feasts every day and all paid for by ourselves the people, who suffer the most intense hardships, hunger, decline, misery, desolation and death.

It is a sin before God and before justice that we have allowed it, it is time to act, to save ourselves, war gives you life, freedom, justice and peace. Now our true revolution begins, there is no other path for fellow citizens, God is with us, and if God is with us, who can be with us? Living or dying now depends on us.

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