Bring Canadian Terrorists Home!: MSM Wants You To Feel Bad For Captured ISIS Members

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

Note to reader: I just want to apologize for the amount of photos in this post. My plan was to modified the photos to a small size, like I normally do in posts. However, I recently updated my smart phone, and apparently since the update I can no longer change the size (by code) on steemit.

Doesn’t seem to matter if I upload a photo directly from my phone or if I upload to another site and copy and paste the photo into steemit. I’ve even tried copying and pasting random photos from the internet and still the code I used to edit the size doesn’t work.

It’s something to do with this friggin update. Fortunately, I backed up my phone just before updating. So I can still restore the previous version. I only updated so I could download an app that requires a more recent version. I was going to use that app to make video content for this account and others but if it’s at the expense of the usual post layout forget it!

Writing posts on my phone is basically the only way I am able to write at all. I’ll try editing this post on my desktop after posting this. Until then, this is how it’s going to look. Sorry.


So have you noticed over the last few years, a replacing of the household terrorism label with that of an extremism one. Often painting the extremist with a past of mental illness.

Now, to add to that there’s been another narrative playing out where Canadian news outlets are putting out pieces on Canadian ISIS fighters in an attempt to draw upon our sympathies for these murderers. It’s really amazing these works of crap. I’ve carefully gone through and underlined a bunch of the wording. Mind you two of these articles are hella long and I basically screen shot nearly every paragraph in them (sorry again lol).

First the part about Canadian government talking about bringing in terrorists for reintegration into Canada (WHAT?) Why? Oh because diversity is strength and terrorists are yet another group to add to Canada’s wealth of diversity right? Well anyways enough talk. Let’s get into it!

Canada concern returning isis fighters, Justin Trudeau says.


Canada to accept up to 250 Syrians who are White Helmets and their families










White Helmets terrorist links fully Exposed [Graphic!] (Tapestry of Terror mirror)

‘I just want to go back’: Canadian isis fighter captured in northern Syria speaks out

This pos right here shows no remorse (other than for his own capture) for his actions.



From his heyday of taunting the west reduced to sweat pants. Feel bad for him yet?



An online persona was it? 😆


Tell you want, bring the kids (and the mom if she checks out) to Canada and get them out of that unstable environment. Leave his ass in Syria.


Would you agree that this doesn’t really take a lot of thought (unless your dumb) that these people left Canada and don’t deserve to come back. I’m fine if you want to send the kids for the same reason I mentioned before. But anyone that took part in going to Syria to topple Assad, killing civilians in the process can rot in the prisons they find themselves in. I think that’s a fair outcome. Don’t you?


What? Serious?



Keep in mind all these disenchantments isis fighters are caught one and imprisoned. Of course they want to come to Canada! Of course they (now) feel remorse. Though I must say, this Ali doesn’t even feign remorse for his actions. Read on.


‘Depression’ that’s a word you can’t go a day without seeing it mentioned in the media. Notice nearly every super successful celebrity claims to be battling or has battled with depression. It’s a big agenda to normalize mental illness. Well expect no different when it comes to ‘the poor defeated terrorist’.


Question: Why didn’t this imam report his ass to the authorities? Could have prevented the deaths of many innocent Arabs in Syria.


“Going all out on civilians” you’ll see the irony of this statement later on.



A propagandist is basically a liar. Keep that in mind.



There it is! What was that? Killing civilians? Took you 4 years to figure that out, or was it just until you were caught huh motherfucker?


Sounds romantic.



So he’s basically saying he won’t confirm that he killed anyone. He’s still isis.



But not you, they liked you. Didn’t they, Mr. propagandist?



This is an interesting statement. So they did that in Europe. In theory couldn’t this be part of a plan to do the very same in Canada? I mean, why not? The more terrorism... Sorry, extremism (can’t call people terrorists anymore) in Canada the better for security tech companies and lawmakers right? All backs scratched.



That’s contradictory, leaving the lights on 24/7 for 3 months straight in solitary confinement is a form of sensory torture. I would imagine the lights statement is bullshit. And he indeed hasn’t had any mistreatments or torture.


Gather enough evidence? What? WHAT?



Do these sounds like the words of a remorseful human being?


I Just stumbled on an article, that is in opposition to idea of sympathizing with these characters. Which, is typical within the media. Because after all, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Lenin

I’ll spare you any more photos and just link it.

BONOKOSKI: Captured Canadian ISIS sniper deserves to rot out of sight

Jihadi Jack wants to live in Canada. Here’s what officials are doing for isis fighters in Syria


Jihadi Jack JJ! Yeah, they love doing that. lol




Interesting, the last story with that pos was talking about going to turkey in order to get funnelled into Canada too.


Why do you deserve to live a normal life. Your action were terribly unnormal. I don’t see why you just get to come back like nothing happened? Does this make any sense to anyone?


Okay, so he converted to Muslim and went over to isis controlled territory, and lived? A white guy, not fighting for isis... bullshit!


Well if you didn’t fight for isis why did they arrest you in the first place?



Guy makes an inappropriate joke and the official on the phone is like “Canada is an option” wtf lmao this



Here comes the poor me routine. He’s sad, sick and promises to do better. Again I’ll say, they are only like this after they have been caught.



That’s they are a risk to Canada. It’s stupid to bring them back.


But they are no longer Canadian citizens they have been stripped of citizenship for leaving Canada to join isis. They are not Canadians and deserve to come back and face out Canadian legal system.


Everything we know about the man charged in Edmonton’s truck attack from the women who knows him best



Isis flag in Sharif’s car.





They really play up the mental illness angle in this one. Ridiculous!




Did you read that? The U-haul deliberately hit four pedestrians. Yup, the U-haul did it! Villainizing vehicles is something I’ve shown in a previous post. Just the way their word it, like how they do with shootings. Often they will word it like the gun was the one killing people. But I digress.

What I wonder (and thy never say here) is how did he get the U-haul? Did he rent it earlier in anticipation for this attack? Did he hijack it? It’s rather important information considering the way they are trying to portray his character as a mentally ill person acting out of impulse. Rather than a pre-planned act of an ISIS or ISIS inspired act of terrorism.



And here we go again, the poor terrorist. Was abused, struggling with mental illnesses for a long time blah blah. Oh what he was found to be mentally fit for trial. No... The test was too hard, he’s really too mentally ill. Honest!


Yeah, whatever!


I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Human rights are human rights, it covers all humans. There’s no need for Somali rights, black rights, white rights, gay rights. Anything other than simply a human rights advocate, is actually a special rights advocate. It’s total bullshit. Anyways.



A fear of being imprisoned by police officers? No shit, I have that same issue. lol


This show jut how big of a joke the immigration system is. “Oh hey sharif, umm we’re going to deport you now, but umm.. We can’t actually do so at the moment. So instead we’re going let you free into the country until we can deport you. So umm, don’t go running away, okay?”


“A well founded fear of persecution” Which is total bullshit btw. Technically I could claim the same thing because my views run counter to the government so in a sense I run the same fears on persecution. See how lame that is? But I digress.




Again I’ll call bullshit. I mean why would be support ISIS after what Al-Shabab did to him. They aren't that different. One of these things are a lie. Since he had the ISIS flag in his car and a previous case of extremist views, and claims of support for the Islamic state. And zero evidence for the al-Shabab story. Well, I’m sure you can guess which is the bs story.


In every one of these false flag attacks, the police had previous contact with the suspect. They always let them go and shortly after, viola!

Now what normally would be the terrorist narrative, is twisted into a mental illness one.




Oh blah blah blah, did women is full of shit, I don’t buy any of what she says. “ I was trying to make everything seem like he did nothing.” Gtfo!

Abdulahi Hasan Sharif (does he look bewildered or confused to you?)


Warmington: was Danforth attack terror, or terrorism?



Same shit different pile, pro-terrorist views, was already known to police. It’s a formula for false flag.

And here’s the mental illness narrative again.


“It’s not all radical” lmao. No, of course not, it’s about a pattern of repeatedly using the mental illness angle in order to bring about legislation to restrict the mentally ill from ever purchasing a gun. And maybe you’re thinking, well maybe that’s not such a bad idea. But what you may not realize is that depression is considered a mental illness. Which, is something that is affecting 1 in 5 Canadians. So that means that 1 in 5 Canadians will be blacklisted from owning a gun. In the future. That’s a great way to disarm a country, don’t ya think?

It gets better though.

Turning to Facebook to pinpoint depression


Oh yes, If you haven’t been diagnosed as depressed, Facebook is going to find depression in your words. So watch what you type. Alright back to the terrorist erp I mean ‘victim of mental illness’.

Danforth shooting: Gunmen Identified, family alleges ‘severe mental health’ challenges

Yeah sure, couldn’t help him. Oh did he have a stance and was very aimed? Oh like maybe he was well trained on how to use a gun or something?


Crime runs on the family of the Danforth shooter.

Older brother of Toronto mass shooter was facing drug and weapons charges: court docs










Saw this gem, thought I’d toss it in.

Narrator of ISIS execution video is Canadian, says captured Mississauga ISIS member

“Yup, it’s another Canadian,” Muhammed Ali, an ISIS member from Mississauga, Ont., told Global News in a recent interview inside the Syrian prison where he is being held by Kurdish fighters.”

“Earlier this year, another Canadian told the New York Times podcast Caliphate he had executed captives while serving in ISIS. He has since returned to university studies in the Toronto area and has not been charged.”

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