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RE: Kermit The Warmonger

Good point about the 'leftists' burning the flag and the state enemedia. I note a lot of similar propaganda and astroturfing going around, such as that turning Tommy Robinson into a rebel icon, the Trump administration appearance of taking down sex traffickers, but the Clinton Cabal is yet uncharged, despite the Weiner laptop evidence and Bill personally securing the release of Laura Silsby (now Gayler, and working for the Amber Alert child safety organization - a convicted child trafficker) when she was caught stealing 33 Haitian children, and the casting of candidate Trump as the enemy of the enemedia, pretty much ensuring his election by a people outraged at government corruption and the only institution less trusted than the USG, the enemedia.



i wasnt trying to be political. finger pointing can be done on left or right, and all of it is stupid in my opinion. also im sure subterfuge and infiltration occurs by government moles on either side of the political fence. what i was trying to point out is that trolls on either side get sucked into infighting instead of seriously discussing issues.

Same. The Hegelian Dialectic always works to some degree, and it's literally nothing more than trolling.

that depends on pov. by definition, dialect is reasoned conversation without rhetoric. trolling on the other hand, relies on rhetoric and drama. my point is and was, let's not get distracted from reasoned conversation about real life social situations by emotion provoking rhetoric, which tries to usurp the discussion by focusing on petty political views.

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