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RE: Restoring the Lost Republic & Defeating the Satanic NWO

I deeply resonate with and appreciate your abhorrence of child sex slave trafficking blackmailing banksters that have established control of the international order, national governments everywhere, and including all 50 American states. Sadly, I do not observe that Sheriffs have been immune from this corruption, and am forced to conclude with Lysander Spooner that either the Constitution was never intended to provide sovereignty to Americans, for which there is strong evidence, or has failed anyway.

The representative democratic mechanisms claimed to ensure the Constitutional check on governmental power have never worked. The centuries of infiltration and corruption by malicious psychopaths of all institutions completely refutes that any such system can effect sovereignty for the individuals - you, I, our forefathers and posterity - to whom it properly inures.

No representatives can be trusted to act on our behalf. No institutions can be delegated our authority. The toothpaste is not in the tube, and cannot be put back into the tube.

The institutions of government in every state and country of the world are the tools of the very banksters that parasitize half of our production through taxes and fees, and that includes institutions at county and municipal levels.

When we can mutually and outside of any such institutions secure our persons, property, and power against thugs projecting institutional power, such as Sheriffs, we will have sovereignty. Not before. I do not recommend you approach your local Sheriff with your plan, because at best he will make soothing noises to you while letting the federales know you need to be on their list.

You don't want to be on that list, and particularly not when you believe the lies of the Sheriff that he will protect your rights. I have been tortured by my local Sheriff, so I know better from personal experience than to believe such blather.

Decentralization of means of production, of every good and service not only available today but imaginable, is inevitable. That is the mechanism through which centralization of wealth and power that makes institutions more powerful than people, individuals and communities, will become obsolete. When we make our own security, rather than buy it from the banksters, then we will be able to trust those providing our security - because it will be we ourselves.



Thank you my friend for weighing in again and also for pointing out my somewhat carelessness when talking about the local sheriff issue. I've added an ADDENDUM to the post above which you can read.

I think that with what is coming, people can not just fend for themselves in isolation. Building some strong bonds with community members you can trust is essential, for without it you can become defenseless in certain situations. They can also provide much needed moral support. Not trusting anyone at all would be a tragedy and would devoid us of an important essence of our existence - humanity. The Key is choosing people you can trust and count on. Not always an easy endeavor, but that is why our Creator has given us minds and intelligence. It's better than going it alone, imo.

It is demonstrably true that a minority of the members of a society are competent to rule, in all the possible ways this can be interpreted.

An individual person is not, and is unlikely ever to be. However, the security of the individual can be competently provided by that individual, even against all the other members of society, and that is the promise of decentralization. As means of production are gained by individuals, the competence of that security is multiplied by each additional individual adopting them. The increase in power individuals gain when another individual becomes independently productive is multiplicative, not additive, because these individuals do not just secure themselves, but also each other.

This is because society is based on mutual interdependence. We have celebrated Independence Day in America since the Revolution. I look forward to when our posterity celebrates Interdependence Day instead.


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