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RE: The British Are Coming, The British Are Coming: Trump/Russia Collusion Turns Into Obama/UK Collusion

The City of London has largely succeeded in global conquest using the vehicle of national banks, all of which, in every nation, it owns, including the Federal Reserve. It's not the UK, but it also owns and operates the UK government. May, Macron, and Merkel are all minions of the City of London.

So is Trump.

You may note that other than some flashy PR stunts, like N. Korea, and pulling out of the Paris Accords, Trump is toeing the globalist line; maintaining panoptic surveillance (although whining about it being used against him), prosecuting the destruction of Syria with al Qaeda mercenaries (protected by US troops and American enemedia propaganda), and failing to actually drain the swamp, unless filling his cabinet with the most vile and corrupted members of it is what 'drain' means.

Trump is executing the deep state/bankster agenda, and with his superlative mass communications skills, is rhetorically luring in patriots to support his faction of the cabal by posing as it's opponents.

We are the white hats, and we will have to drain the swamp. Trump, Obama, the whole list of elected officials, is the swamp, and they're not going to drain themselves. Don't confuse their internal competition for power with actual opposition to their power.


The City of London, as are D.C., the U.K, the U.S., Canada, France, Germany etc, even the lowest courts in any (western) land, are corporations - misleading those who are living there in terms of the meaning of citizenship, their true rights and their true status as subjects. They are therefore, although legal, unlawful and thus illegitimate.

As for Trump, I would disagree and surely hope the above statements are wrong. Can I be certain? No.

However, if above were true, why bother strengthening the base instead of letting the illary Hillary cabal just finish us off. Why invite God back into the country? Why delay the termination of the US as we know it?

Am I all happy with President Trump's politics in Syria, with UN crap cow Nicky Helly Haley lying her socks off! One thing though, I believe President Trump is a multitude smarter than all of the DemocRats and \NeoCon Republicans combined, and he is playing the Deep State, the gitty City and the rest of the powers and their servants of evil...

Gina Haspel.

The crash of the global economy will horribly impact the wealthy, even though they may not join us in unmarked graves. The longer they can delay it, the longer they can revel in their toys and their power.

Afterwards, not so much.

What we have to do is transcend their ability to be necessary to our livelihoods by utilizing technology that decentralizes the power to produce goods and services, such as 3D printing, aquaponics, mesh networks, and cryptocurrencies, to name a few.

They'll burn the world again to keep us slaves, because they're psychopaths who will sacrifice anything for power. We need to become inflammable. Then they become obsolete - to them, a fate worse than death.


Not so familiar with mesh nws - so checking. I think comms infrastructure is a major dependency, considering communication, crypto-currencies, buying/selling etc..

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