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RE: Wicked Women of the West: Four Powerful World Leaders Destroy Fake Feminist Studies

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The ongoing horror show in London is being manufactured to precise specifications to alert Liberty minded men in America to the goals, consequences, and intentions of our enemedia here regarding public order and freedom.

Without personal arms, public safety, exacerbated by the influx of intemperate and predatory refugees, has degenerated to the point where London is now more dangerous than the previously infamous streets of New York.

The simultaneous push to ban and seize weapons in the US divides the psychically mummified from the yet living, as all it takes to grasp the glaringly obvious detrimental effects of disarmament is surviving brain cells, yet from Florida to Washington authorities are now seizing the personal arms of law abiding citizens, and one town in Illinois is demanding they turn over their arms en masse.

If chaos is a ladder, they have built scaffolds of our societies. All too often scaffolds in the public square become gallows, and results in necks in nooses, and we are on the threshold of such demonstrations of their power, as it is apparent they either succeed now, or suffer setbacks of decades of malign manipulations.

We need look no further than North Korea for an example of the opposite effect, that possessing the best weapons produces security, as despite the massive demonstration of military might it's enemies display on it's doorstep, peace is about to win out there over the incessant saber-rattling that has characterized public perceptions of the peninsula.

Why? Because they have nukes, and are backed by two of the best armed states in the world, Russia and China. It is hard to ignore the demonstration of public disorder that has overcome London and the EU in the face of censorship, disarmament, and fascist domination of the people, and the contrast of the impending acceptance of North Korea by South Korea into it's fraternal embrace is as stark and obvious as is possible.

Folks that still succumb to the pretense that disarmament is undertaken for their safety, and there are still people that stupid and manipulable, are beyond hope of rational discourse. The facts, the dichotomy between the best armed and the worst, are unavoidable, and the further conclusion that public disorder is the goal of politicians like the wicked witches you have named here as unescapable as the gravitational well of a black hole.

During my lifetime the emasculation of the West has produce a 60% reduction in the sperm counts of the formerly red-blooded American male, and the concomitant rise of venal misandry with soul-crushing socialism threatens to bring Orwell's direst predictions to eternal life.

Millions of Americans await with bated breath the latest Q psyop, and pin their hopes on The Donald, whose notorious ego and lifelong association with the very people waging war on our minds is as plain as his wives are not.

Trump isn't our saviour.

We must be.



Epic explanation, @valued-customer. Is it odd that we have never heard of a false flag for the cause of liberty and justice - as opposed to greed and power? As long as the manipulation is done without physically hurting anyone, I suppose it can't hurt. It wouldn't be difficult to spoon-feed the disreputable and dispicable MSM with factual data that they only think is benefiting their agenda.

Q has been exposed, from what some believable sources claim. What started as a legit, honest operation was eventually overcome by players of questionable loyalty. The project, as a whole, was well intentioned - and may still involve contributions from the "good guys,"- but they apparently lost control of their project. Who knows who has been running it for the last few months? It's one of those "don't put all of your eggs in one basket" type of scenarios.

Same goes for President Trump. He's well-intentioned, and his heart is as big as his ego - but who would people want running the most powerful nation in the world? There is no "perfect candidate." The one thing about Trump that may help the rest of the good guys is that he listens to the people. His ego may help to actually reign in some of his more unsavoury decisions. While we can't rely on him to get everything we want or need done, we can make him aware of our collective opinions.

The West has found inspiration and hope in the Trump model. He is a vast improvement over previous presidents - just how vast remains to be seen. And, he is playing the great game in DC. Many hands have yet to be played - but he is playing people who think they're playing him. Of that I have no doubt. We should consider him not to be the extent of possibilities that exist for future governments, but something on a sliding scale - with much room for improvement.

Incredibly well said and written!

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