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RE: Money = Power = Energy – Why Money Systems Enable Evil and How Free Energy is a Solution

Jesus wasn't wrong about evil. Money is just a technology that makes commerce more efficient. It really isn't power. Hell, it's just conjured out of nothing. Power isn't. However, it's utility in commerce makes it influential on people, and that makes it convenient for those interested in power over people.

The fact is that you can live just fine without money. It's less fine than can be achieved with money, but many things which are undertaken for money can be eschewed altogether when you do a cost benefit analysis. As a result I live on very little money, and optimize my quality of life.

Today we have a plethora of technologies that enable individuals to produce goods and services directly, and after an initial investment in necessary tooling money is not required to produce those goods and services. Electrical power, food, water, household goods, and community services such as police, fire, and health care (and much, much more) are all either readily producible by individuals or neighbors, or about to be.

Folks interested in optimizing their quality of life should be considering the costs and benefits of attaining to desired goods and services through the mechanisms available, and not simply focus on earning money to pay others to provide them. It's important to keep in mind that the effort to earn money is immediately parasitized approximately 50% through taxation. That makes new tech to provide your own goods far more potentially profitable, since no taxable event occurs when you make your own light switch, rather than work for taxable wages, drive to the hardware store using taxed fuel in a government registered car, on taxpayer funded roads, where you pay the half of your wages left over from tax for a switch that is subject to sales tax, and approximately 90% of the price is wages, shipping, and profit for producers.

Aquaponics not only enables bespoke foods to be availabel fresh to the consumer, also the producer, but waste recycling, and avoidance of chemical pollution and other undesirable effects of industrial agriculture. When considering costs and benefits in a comprehensive way, even free food from industrial agriculture costs far more than organic food grown in house. Just medical issues alone ensure this is so, as pesticides and various endocrine disrupting chemicals in food or it's packaging have caused testosterone in the West to crash in the last few decades, and dramatically impacted not only the health of affected individuals, but their society (not to mention how these pollutants impact natural ecosystems) because testosterone affects how people act, vote, and live.

As time goes on, and the advance of technology increases faster and faster across all industries, the advantages of individual production are going to become more and more apparent, even for those less able to grasp complex systems. Less and less power will be wielded via the weapon of money, and higher quality of life will be passed on to our posterity, meaning more freedom and power over themselves.

I reckon the only thing that can actually prevent the inevitable collapse of institutional power is our extinction. We will be free, and the stars are at our feet.



While all that is true, it does not address the fact that when money is involved, psychopaths will be promoted to power. If the money is in trade and barter, the psychopaths will monopolize needed resources, gaining Their power over Us in that way. As soon as any token is introduced, They will do literally anything to get and keep the power over Others that such tokens provide.

With free energy, We can eliminate money in all its forms, and thereby cease promoting psychopaths to power over Others. If We cease delegating Our sovereign power over Self (government), We will cease seeing psychopaths in that arena, telling Us what to do. The goal is to have a society wherein psychopaths cannot be promoted.

You are incorrect in your assumptions, and so, although your conclusion is sorta correct it actually leads people astray from a solution.

With free energy, there is still the human who has to design and create. Even with tools to build the product at the push of a button, there is a lot of input that needs the human.

If i get my machines to plant pumpkins and you get your machine to plant melons, even with free energy, we still have a need for accounting the energies exchanged. (as your melons come in in the summer, and my pumkins in the fall... so a straight barter is not doable)

So, free energy will not eliminate money, what will do that is computer getting so good that they can actually track the exchange of goods/human energy to keep a balance of gifts.

Now, psychopaths love to be in positions of power, however, they cannot stay when exposed to light. When we expose their lies, they lose all power.

And so, we need to psychopath proof our offices of leadership. In the future we will elect people based on their compassion. (i know, weird, right?) And since psychopaths can only imitate compassion, they will lose.

Free energy devices will only come into existence after we will never use them for war.
So, that will be after we get all the psychopaths out of office and stop believing their lies, and learning to live with each other peacefully.

So, the free energy will not eliminate the power structures, the elimination of the power structures will bring free energy.

You say that free energy will not remove the need for People, and You are fully correct. The question is... If the button not pushed is creating a problem for You, would You push it? And if it is Your bliss to create the needed things, would You do it for merely the reputation, thanks, respect, and other social currency if You could live as richly as You choose? If it's no One's bliss and a robot can't create these things - if it's a problem and You could solve for it (earning praise, lauds, fame even for being the hero), would You do it?

If You love to farm, with robots to help, producing more than You can eat, would You not add the excess to a community cornucopia, taking from what is given by Others of what You want or need? And robots can do all the farming if there is no One who WANTS to do it.

Barter is a form of money, a foundational form. It still accounts for Your energy added. With free energy, barter and trade are unnecessary too.

So yes, free energy can indeed remove the need for money (100% of the cost of everything is energy).

And You are so very wrong about psychopaths and being in power. Let Us suppose You shared, with fewer than 100 Others, 70% of the planet's wealth. You are able to buy anything and anyOne You want to. Because You are a psychopath (as well as the Others on Your level), You do not choose to free Humanity to the abundance of this planet, but instead, want to control every One. You buy the corporations Most would call "Our governments." (Yes, they all are incorporated...) You buy the media. You buy medicine, education, legal entities, technology, militaries, food production, water treatment, ad infinitum. You buy the Ones You place in Your corporations as officers and CEO's (presidents). You write scripts for Your "news" corporations to put out to manipulate the perceptions of the Humans on Our planet. You use propaganda and lies to incite wars...

If You haven't picked up yet that I describe exactly what is going on now... Well. Anyway, lies will only be exposed if it's in the script for the lies to be "outed." If someOne catches a lie, Your media won't touch it. Your apparatus rolls right over it. Meanwhile You do things that justify stripping freedoms - psychological operations, be they false flags or hoaxes.

Needless to say... there is no way to "psychopath-proof" the offices of Your controlmind (government) corporation. You will never allow any moves to succeed.

We Humans are not warlike, but can be incited to war with the right lies and propaganda. It is the psychopaths in control that love Their willing (soul-diers) and unwilling ("collateral damage") sacrifices to Their sick egos. The psychopaths in control withhold free energy because it threatens Their power structure.

We have been indoctrinated from birth, propagandized and lied to, blamed (as "Humanity") for the things the psychopaths do, manipulated and played, and to top that off, Our medicines, land, food, water, air, and electromagnetic environment deliberately besmirched. By psychopaths. Psychopaths who are in control on Our planet.

I suggest You are looking at only a small piece of the picture, thinking that You need some Other to be Your "authority" (because You have been indoctrinated to think so), thinking that You elect anyOne, thinking that all We have to do is get rid of psychopaths in "Our government" and the problem will be solved. I suggest You are missing a huge section of the whole.

I've been thinking on this comment now a day or so, as you recommended it to me. You are heading in the right direction: people are cool, and it's a good thing to be a blessing to people. I approve. So I'm not gonna wrangle over details, as is my wont. You're not any more wrong than I am, I am sure. But...

"We Humans are not warlike..."

I simply cannot disagree more strongly. Life is an act of war, and not just for people. Every blade of grass is at war with every other blade of grass. Every tree struggles with it's neighbors daily for light, water, and nutrients. Every living cell is at war with the universe to live, every minute of every day. Folks have actually made time lapse movies that reveal trees killing each other over years. They live slow. We don't notice much, unless it's happening in our yard. Even then, we don't live on that timescale, so don't see it happening.

People are the most warlike of creatures extant. We are the most deadly predator. We're particularly violent to each other, in fact. Of prehistoric human skulls recovered to date, of great interest to archeologists is that ~25% of them have a fatal blunt trauma wound on the left side of the forehead. Realize that this means that they were hit in the head by someone right handed.

We may act peaceful when times are good and no ones is pissing in our cornflakes, but that's a temporary thing. Somebody's always pissing in our cornflakes.

Be good, but be real while you're at it. Failing to expect failure guarantees it.

We may act peaceful when times are good and no ones is pissing in our cornflakes

Here's the thing, We will fight in scarcity for what is available, I agree. We can be indoctrinated to fight for kings/the state/rulers who want to have more control over greater lands. But as the statement that was made - I forget by whom - that We could not be coaxed into war barring a "new Pearl harbor" illustrates, it takes some perceived threat before We will choose war.

And this tells Me that, indeed, We aren't warlike Beings. Self defense is not a warlike nature. It is a survival function, and is reactionary at its root. Yes, We will fight, but only if Our survival is threatened or if We are psychopaths seeking power over Others. And only about 1% of Us are genetic psychopaths across the board. (In a society run by psychopaths, secondary psychopathy will emerge - Ones who have learned to shut down Their caring, compassion, love, and empathy for Other - being mind controlled, severely abused, severely indoctrinated, or just downright desperate, which is a state We are kept in - but even still, only about 5% of Us are consistently psychopathic from all this.)

Without scarcity, We are cooperative, and loving, caring, compassionate, and empathetic. In fact, though such societies have been few and far between, on islands where there was plenty, the society was very peaceful, happy, loving, and and willing to help as They could. Of course, the psychopathic hegemony working on controlling Our planet disrupted all that...

And so... I must presume that in a society where psychopaths are not promoted to power, where the abundance of Our planet is flowing freely to All, where We focus on Ethically solving for any problems that arise rather than passing "laws" and enFORCING them, what We will see is an eradication of secondary psychopathy, and the 99% of Us can solve for any problems the 1% create - and that 1% will have only Their personal charisma to have any power over Others - which will not get Them far in controlling society.

We are (99% of Us) loving, caring Beings, who will only war when a threat to Our survival is perceived. Remove such threats and We are peaceful.

Unfortunately, you misapprehend the context of this statement (the source is the Plan for a New American Century, produced by some Zionazi think tank under Bush II. Authors included Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, and others of their fiendish ilk):

"We could not be coaxed into war barring a "new Pearl harbor"..."

This is because the overlords would fain abandon the quality of life that otherwise would cause us to organically resort to war - and against themselves, as the destroyers of good and easy life. That new Pearl Harbor was a threat to our quality of life, and why so many were willing to undertake war. That was piss in our cornflakes. It was blamed on al Qaeda, and the fact that al Qaeda is the tool of the USG (created during the Carter administration,


when George HW Bush was Director of the CIA, primarily handled by Zbigniew Brzezisnski) is concealed, unknown to most, otherwise we'd have hung the perps on gibbets instead of attacking their minions in the ME.

Poverty is pissy cornflakes, and why societies kept from increasing their quality of life are warlike. Further it is our natural state. Only civilization enables us to live so fat on the land, and only that good life keeps us from killing everything that can die to get us that good life.

We are war itself. Life is war. We have created peace by building communities. Take those away and, as you see across the striving ME, we wage war. I suspect this is why psychopaths yet persist in our genome, as their lack of capacity to be socialized under any circumstances grants them utlility in time of war. When we fully adopt personal means of producing the goods and services necessary to that quality of life, the institution of war will become the only threat to that quality of life that grants peace, and then the psychopaths will serve a purpose in our genome no more.

Sociopathy can be created in ordinary men. Hunger drives cannibalism. Psychopaths, as Daumer proves, are just innately cannibals, and are threats to our full bellies when hunger is no threat except by the conflicts psychopaths create for their amusement. War is the enemy, and psychopaths the source of it. Full bellies are the source of peace, for without them good men seek psychopaths to lead them.

We are not inherently peaceful. We are peaceful when war threatens our full bellies.

I note that we essentially agree on this fact. It's simply the question of chickens and eggs, of carts and horses, upon which disagreement depends. In a state of nature men are hungry and will eat. Insofar as war is necessary to take food, we become war itself in such circumstances. This is why ~25% of prehistoric people died by murder. Hunger is that essential threat to our security that always lingers on the lives of the poor.

This is why decentralization will make political power obsolete: war is politics by other means, and war is a threat to our full bellies.

I like decentralization just fine. Except that I would like to see a central problem-solving site, where problems are reported locally, with up to a planetary reach for solutions. With leaders of the moment emerging for each problem, and solutions Ethical. No "authority" solving all problems as (S)He sees fit.

Interesting that, overall, the People in poverty are quite peaceful. Yes, a higher handful become violent in Their desperation than in more affluent areas.

Psychopathy includes a number of "flavors," including sociopathy and narcissism. Cannibalism is not fully a function of psychopathy, though (except in desperation) it is found nearly always in a psychopath. I highly recommend this vid I mirrored:

"central problem-solving site, where problems are reported locally, with up to a planetary reach for solutions."

Yet, in the same breath you state "No "authority" solving all problems as (S)He sees fit."

Of course, a centralized mechanism creates exactly that: an authority in control of solutions.

Myriad vectors for solutions and improvements are extant now. Any central authority will be subjected to psychopaths seeking to control it. I recommend abandoning the native human psychological tendency to seek a leader, someone to follow that enables your ingroup to focus on specific undertakings. This has evolved because institutions have always created more power, and this power is specifically the same that enables war.

It is becoming obsolete, and the sooner it does, the sooner peace becomes secure.

Psychopathy is neurological, a physically inherited disability to properly socialize. Sociopathy is a learned behaviour. Narcissism is an aspect of psychopathy, and a greater tendency to narcissism creates a greater potential to sociopathy.

CRISPR may enable individuals suffering from heritable diseases like psychopathy to be cured. We can hope, both for their sakes and our own.

You mention how income disparity, not poverty itself, apparently is causal of societal violence. GINI is a way to measure this, and societies that feature the widest disparity between the mean and average wealth feature the most violence. However, when poverty is so severe as to cause famine, which is the reason I use full bellies as the standard for maintenance of peace or resorting to war, people become predatorially violent, or die.

The fact is that no social policy(s) or force will effect full bellies like will personal competence to produce goods. That is decentralized production. Neither will any social policies be able to prevent this. Firearms are the perfect tool to enable thuggish minions to enforce institutional power on the ground, and they're 1000 years old. Vastly improved security tech exists, and has existed for a long time, but corporations don't sell the means to disempower corporate power to individuals, for obvious reasons, nor do they teach folks how to learn them.

Individuals means of production will end corporate power, institutional power, government itself. Nothing else will, and no tangents like free power, UBI, free love and etc. change that in the least. It is trivially simple to prevent a gang of thugs with firearms from breaking down your door using modern tech. Meat prisons are fragile, subject to sonic, emf, and various biological forces that completely disable them from acting.

This is coming, and nothing can stop it. Every 3D printer, garden shed CRISPR lab, and mesh network node decreases the power of institutions and multiplies the power of the individuals undertaking any of them by the number of people undertaking them.

(((they))) can try to stop it, and have delayed it, but as long as clever monkeys tinker and learn the ways physics makes possible to do things, it cannot be prevented. Freedom is inevitable.


"...psychopaths will monopolize needed resources..."

They will try. As people provide their own resources, they have less and less need for money. We don't need 'free energy' to be free of money. We need to be free of trade. Making our own goods and services does that.

Free energy does not exist. We swim in a sea of energy, but extracting it requires effort and goods. That's not free. I had a solar panel on my truck. It cost $100, and fed four batteries, each of which cost money too. The energy was not free, because the tools necessary to extract it were not free, nor was my labor to assemble the system without value.

I have written a short story in which bespoke currencies were created for a single transaction or purpose. Psychopaths cannot even attain such currencies, much less monopolize them. Individual power increases versus institutions every time technology advances, and has been since the invention of the pointy stick. Presently institutions are on the ropes, as we begin to be able to create our own luxury goods, bespoke services, and commodities alike without any need for the contributions of industry.

It's a matter of time before promotion itself, the ability to have power over another, is utterly obsolete. Perhaps then psychopaths will get the help they need, maybe even to become capable of proper socialization, instead of being dangers to people and society. I can feel only pity for such as need only power, when power is not possible.

I suppose that is the difference between normal folks and psychopaths.

While much of what You say is true, and indeed initially, it will cost to get the extraction units going, given 100% of the cost of everything is energy, sooner or later, all the cost will be removed. And solar is very dirty to produce in terms of building the units and very inefficient – I recommend We use electrogravitics see this vid:

I suggest You read what I wrote above to builderofcastles...

"...100% of the cost of everything is energy, sooner or later, all the cost will be removed..."

Again, this is not possible because there is no such thing as perpetual motion. Everything will always have a cost.

I will have a look at your video, and your reply to @builderofcastles soon, and may add to this reply. Electrogravitics sounds like superstition, about which I know only that it sounds spoopy, so withold judgment pending further investigation. If it isn't based on rigorous science I won't find it compelling, and I have low expectations due to the conflation of two very separate things in the name. Electricity and gravity aren't directly linked, and are so disparate that conflation is practically certain to be the result of magical thinking, rather than sound science.

Gravity isn't a force. It is simply the effect of mass on spacetime. There are no gravitons. There are electrons. The two are as different as sound and light.


What's perpetual motion have to do with it? We can draw energy from the "aether," the electromagnetic field that pervades the universe.

I KNOW what it is and that We can use it to draw on that energy. Just know that They have removed most of the data, but to be sure, it is very much based in science. When Dr. paul A. LaViolette came up with His counter theory to Einstein's bullpucky (subquantum kinetics - SQK), He thought He had made an error, as it was predicting when He later discovered was being experimentally proven by T. Townsend Brown. He was greatly relieved to see His prediction had sound science and experiment behind it.

And actually... Yes, gravity is a part of the electromagnetic function. It's like ice/water/steam, only electricity/gravity/magnetism. And it sounds like You're buying the einsteinian bunk pushed because it doesn't predict the energy in the "aether."

And by the way... SQK is euclidean, and is predicting all the "mysteries" in einsteinian physics... I'd say it's vastly closer to the truth than the theories pushed as "truth" in Our school system.

I got a couple minutes into the video, and that was enough. I have long been aware of Brown's work. I am not a physicist, but know enough to be certain gravity control was not a result of his research, nor was power being drawn from an 'aether'. It'd be lovely if it was, but it wasn't.

Gravity isn't a force. There are no gravitons. Mass interacts with spacetime, and that interaction IS gravity. It's an effect of other things, just as sound is simply gas or liquid disturbed by some other thing. There are no particles of sound, no soundons. There is no aether, other than spacetime.

Be well, but be real.

LOL! And I know that is exactly what They were getting. That it went into black projects because that is what They were getting. A couple of minutes of watching is... Well... Less than admirable, at the least. And might be seen as disrespectful. The video is less than 10 minutes long, FFS.

If You are not willing to offer My work even 10 minutes... [shrug]

And I'm as real as it gets, dear One. To be sure.

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