Intel Drones Demonstrate Two Things for Winter Olympics: Tight Formations, and Disinformation

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:One step closer to Skynet

I just recently posted a venn on Intel:

that is a lot of "D"s there.

I love your Venn diagrams. Do you mind if they get shared elsewhere?


Not at all, share away! I'm glad you like them.

I was just imagining them with cans of tear gas clearing out a crowd.

They are a huge concern. But in this case, I think you're fishing too hard.

Well, I confess I just don't grasp what you mean by fishing.

Are you saying that this demonstration of the ability to coordinate swarms of drones doesn't lend credence to the thesis that such swarms are going to be militarily devastating?

I think of fishing as looking for corroboration, evidence, or compliments. Or fish.

Don't understand it in this context.

My apologies, I didn't mean to be so vague 😅

I find this ominous, although it seems of little import in this context. It is the negligible benefit gained by such prevarication that is perhaps most alarming of all. We certainly can't trust them to tell us the truth about something that matters, if they'll lie over something so trivial.

This. I mean sure there are lies upon lies, but this does not follow. That's all.

On the drones themselves, if they had actually demonstrated that ability it would really be tantamount to a military show. Did they ever have "air shows" in your area? The most impressive airplanes were military.

Fair enough.

I have seen an air show, at Orly, in France. You're right, the military planes were the stars of the show.

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