
We, the people, should work at getting internet to every place on earth.
If we had internet in Allepo, then we would have seen the sham that was "rebel" forces.

The little girl from Allepo would have been seen as a scam, because many citizens of Allepo would have pointed out that she lives next door to the rebels.

And then, us shtupid people, some of us believed these "little girls" tweets not knowing that hers was almost the entirety of the internet connection in the area. In other words, someone was getting this propaganda out to the world, while real journalists on the ground had no internet access.


Utilities are under the control of the banksters, including internet. It's actually frightening both how subtle their control is, since they can shadowban, or etc., or they can just power down a whole country, and cause them to get back in line, or starve.

The Bana Alabed psyop was pretty crude, but many people don't question what they're told, and live in some kind of bubble of derangement. I worry that they'll get subtler. Since we have no way to know that the internet was being censored, we have no way to know she's a psyop except by the crudity of the scripting.

I DO like that word...enemedia.
ZeroHedge...not so much.
how would one know if they are or are not a false flag themselves waving for another false flag which is in turn fluttering in the breeze for yet another one..
Where does the madness END?

It really is hard to be cynical enough.

This is one of those ZeroHedge articles I found accurate. Not all of their articles are worthy, but this one is.

Most of what is on Zero Hedge is just funnelled there from somewhere else. Tyler Durden???LOL I think pretty much is it a counter/controlled site. Half the time it is right wing the other half it is left wing. Only a few commenter's have a brain of their own.

You are aware of Project Mockingbird?

Yeah, I know the enemedia is lying to us with purpose. ZeroHedge is fairly comprehensive on financial matters, which IIRC is whence it began. I usually prefer the comments, as all kinds of scurrilous ne'er do wells and curmudgeons are prone to rant there.

I have seen exchanges that definitely indicated amongst them are professional disinformers, including oblique references to operations typical of the slumgullions of that ilk. I doubt there's many sites of consequence, if any, that aren't frequented by plants and propagandists. That doesn't mean all the articles, or the site itself need be compromised.

That might well explain the dichotomy in quality you have observed.

re steemed & upvoted because its freken good

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