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RE: Why Is Capitalism A Fantasy? (part 2 of a series)

in #informationwar6 years ago

Wow, that was a large wall of bullshit.

Free market capitalism is simply voluntary trade. You can trade whatever you want with whomever you want.

It is based on a few simple first principles.
*You own your own body
*You own your own labor
*You own resources taken out off nature that you mix your labor with
*You can trade, gift, or use your property as long as you don't attack another
*You cannot initiate aggression, but you are free to defend yourself and your property against aggression.

It is simple, and easy to abide by. You don't need to study philosophy for years.


corporations and banks own almost everything by leverage... ownership fantasy is a fact these days... how did that happen? because THEY know...

Capitalism can never be the answer because Knowledge ever progresses, so we cannot sell lies or ignorance while claiming being omniscient. In that sense, monetarism helps perpetuate deceptions.

voluntary? So tell me how capitalism can ever become honest? Ownership was created for and by the elites, so they can own LEGALLY most of us.

dont need to study philosophy for years, sorry wrong.


Yes, capitalism is voluntary. Consider the votes you receive for your posts. You are not forcing anyone to vote for you. You are honestly earning that value. You do some blogging, and people send you what they think it is worth.

This happens everywhere, all the time, all over the world. People honestly provide things and people voluntarily pay value for them.

corporations and banks own almost everything by leverage

even currencies/value are own by THEM... THEY FORCE YOU/US TO SPEND with their currency games/wars ... keep your eye in the ball rolling, instead if taking small examples. The big picture says otherwise.

are the goods you sell from cheap labor countries, are your sales depending on credit cards thru paypal or cheap money from the Feds? NOTHING voluntary here... the economy is fabricated and has always been... think of the tulip mania but globally

ownership is a mirage because death strips us from our material belogins, and THEY know it

and with DARPA owning the internet, cryptos will not go anywhere. They can crash any cryptos whenever they want. Bitcoin shows us that.

Everything I have is mine. I own it.

True, I had to use shitty fiat money substitute to obtain the property that I own, but I still own my property. But don't fear, fiat paper never lasts. We will get back to a more honest money and free market capitalism will become more efficient.

Yes death awaits us all, and all our property will fall to someone alive. If you are smart enough to live in a freedom loving country with strong property rights, you will be able to construct a lawful contract known a will. With it you can distribute your property to whomever you wish upon your death.

Almost all large corps are welfare recipients, so are inefficient and gain advantage through the political means. Now it is very similar to mercantilism, but there are no monarchies giving royal monopolies, but rather our welfare socialist states. This is only as sustainable as fiat paper, so it will also not last. But this in no way is stopping you from gathering capital to better your life and the lives of your loved ones.

I am honest but do not care about how/where my money come from, that all goods I sell contribute to ecological issues and slave wages, if the currency I use dooms 70% of the country... all I have is mine. Personal responsibility??? You cannot see things at your own level only, the big picture tells otherwise. And that's Reality.

Genuine voluntaryism only cares about the WHOLE. Because if the whole isnt free, one is not free. The whole is one, and the one is whole. Nothing is voluntary if it does not go both ways.. So you have to learn to think along these lines, because eventually you or your grandkids will be proven wrong.

Humanity is a like a body, when the limb is injured you must take care of it. And that is why atheism is part of the problem, it does not care about human suffering nor the environment.

but do not care about how/where my money come from

Obviously. Otherwise you wouldn't be posting crap from scam artists and bullshitters over and over again. And that is why you only get tag bots to upvote you.

Genuine voluntaryism only cares about the WHOLE. Because if the whole isnt free, one is not free. Nothing is voluntary

What a load of bullshit and nonsense. An action is voluntary or it is not. You are forced to do something or you are not. If you make a trade of your own free will with someone who also does it of their own free will, then it is voluntary. It is as simple as that. And that simple fact is the basis for free market capitalism. Societies are considered more capitalist or less capitalist by how much freedom of trade they allow. The more that free trade is allowed, the more capitalistic a society is. As you grow in wisdom, you will find things aren't quite so black and white as all wholey voluntary or not voluntary at all. The real world exists between those extremes. And it always will.

And all of history shows us again and again that a people who abides most closely to the first principles I outlined above, are always the most prosperous.

atheism is part of the problem, it does not care about human suffering nor the environment.

You are correct. Atheism does not address human suffering or the environment. It only considers the single question on the existence of a god/gods.

As you grow in wisdom, you will find things aren't quite so black and white as all wholey voluntary or not voluntary at all. The real world exists between those extremes. And it always will.

Hysterical: growing in wisdom.... talking to yourself?

The real world is utterly bankrupt, nature is being destroyed as never before... Prosperous??? You cannot think in term of the big picture... I was right, atheism is part of the problem. So stay stuck in your bubble of perception that as long as YOU are doing fine, who cares?

what a joke and then you give @commonlaw a thank, while you never critic any corporations and turn a blind eye to their humanitarian crimes and ecocides

You are a corporatist. Even von mises was against slave wages because they always breed upheavals, that is WISDOM... that you call yourself a capitalist is an insult to the (flawed) ideology.

I defended the gold standard for about 10 years... so I know what I am talking about.

You can keep trying to smear me all you want, but it doesn't change what capitalism is. It is voluntary trade.

Why do you hate voluntary trade so much? Is it because you made stupid choices with your life and have nothing? Raging against the world because of the dumb things you have done in your life? Are you hoping that spouting nonsense by bullshit scam artists will turn it around for you? You want to burn the world down because you are unsatisfied with your life?

Your stupid "money free" society cannot work.

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