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RE: Anti-Human Forces Behind Insect population COLLAPSE

in #informationwar6 years ago

Yes, yes. I understand. You try to spread fear amongst the simpleminded. Well done.

Money does not need to exist WHEN ONE UNDERSTANDS THE POWER GAME

Yes, the powerful will have a much easier time controlling people if they can convince people to give up their money.

monetarism was NEVER invented to protect freedom but economic SERVITUDE of the many by the few.

Money, on the other hand was invented to make trading with your fellow man easier.

and people who get it will be ready to CONTRIBUTE VOLUNTARILY.

You get it, right? Yet you still hoard money. lolz. You haven't spent one penny of steem to run you banner ad campaign. Such a bullshit artist.

Keep advocating for an impossible, unusable, and ridiculous idea. At least it is earning you a few pennies in money. :-D


the money is still THERE... and the banner will be up after new year... I already told you that a banner cost around 300 bucks. But I will gladly pay 50-75 out of pocket when time has come.

Money, on the other hand was invented to make trading with your fellow man easier.

wait, do you really expect the fed to bail us out again, after the upcoming crash??a global crash is coming because of narcissists like YOU, yet you look the other way... they even may crash all cyrptos at some point because they will have "their" own cryptos to enforce.... RIDICULOUS IDEA?

yes, steemit is going up and down just like the stock market... why monetarism has to go, because some decide of the profits or losses of others. I am not the only one but exposure is MOST important.

Max igan does very good advocating to let go the system, he has many patreons, a fan base. You will not be able to STOP the awakening to end our world slavery :)

everything is a lie, Max Igan 1Million views


You can help Max Igan "let go" of the system by giving him your hard earned money, so he doesn't have to work. :-D Please consider donating your hard earned money so he can live easy.

Donate here:

Or you can go to his webpage and donate. You can't miss the big yellow DONATE button in the middle of the screen. :-D

What a bunch of fucking hypocrites. All I see is you "no money" idiots begging for money. If "no money" was a workable system, you shouldn't need money. It should work now. It shouldn't need years of money collection to work. Just put your capital goods to work. If it is such a great system, more capital goods will be added as people join. It will blossom and grow as people see what a great system it really is. You could start a community immediately. But here you are... yet again... on a money platform, shilling for cash.

Just a bunch of bullshit artists.

If it is such a great system, more capital goods will be added as people join. It will blossom and grow as people see what a great system it really is.

yep.... and you are in denial . You cannot even make sense of the tons of insecticides sprayed causing insect die offs... nor AI... nor global wealth transfer by manipulated interest rates and slave wages, nor poisoning of the masses by glyphosate., nor biotech working on the next human species.. NOTHING... you are clueless because despite the evidence you continue to endorse slavery ... but global crash is looming because of people like you refuting the obvious...

EPA Wants China To Sell Bee-Killing Pesticide For 165 Mil Acres Of US Farmland... bushilt artists because we are exposing what is going ????

dollar vigilante seems to be doing much less also: $3.52 for 296 votes

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