Tyranny is closer to real than you think. "New Mexico may become first state to make students apply for college".

in #informationwar7 years ago


What else could this be called?

Government enacted Tyranny.


"Students in New Mexico would have to apply to a college or commit to some other post-graduation plan in order to graduate from high school, under a bill working its way through the state's legislature."

So not only are you forced TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL, hey, guess what now??? You also can't have a degree from us unless you submit to more debt!!!

The lengths the government will go to should not surprise us. But it is up to us to educate those on why this is bad...


First of all, you legally become an adult when you are 18. Now you don't get your high school degree, of which most employers require you to at least have this. The government is softly forcing you to submit to their insane rules. Why are they making you apply to college or why are they wanting to know what your plants are after high school?


"The bill states that high school juniors would have to file a plan showing they're applying for admission to a college, taking steps to enter the military or preparing for an internship or apprenticeship."

This isn't freedom, it is government compelling an otherwise free citizen to submit to have a fighting chance at getting a job. Even most trades want you to prove that you graduated high school, so this would adversely affect a lot of people.

The government is also in the loan business, so of course they WANT YOU TO SIGN UP FOR MORE DEBT AT 7%APR!!! yeah!!! Pay the government more of your hard earned money.... Great..


This insanity is only allowed to happen because people sit idly by while insane bills get put up for votes, and it even could be passed. Imagine that. Imagine that you want to work in a trade and have to prove to the government you are going to do something different. You then have to continuously check in with the government to prove you are doing something. It all leads to them controlling you more. It leads to others reporting you eventually, because not reporting you will get them in trouble somehow with a fine.

This is what leads people to revolt, unjust laws. This isn't what we need. We need action and people to be held accountable for anti-freedom laws like this.

If you are in New Mexico, please do something. Go out and protest, alert your friends and family to what is going on out there. Call your local politicians and put pressure on them to stand up to this tyranny. The best time to fight tyranny is before it happens, through words/protests/campaigns/arguing/talking. If you don't do that, you eventually will get the violent part.... We don't want that.



How is debt slavery? Do you know what slavery is? Slavery is when you are physically forced to work for no pay and if you refuse are beaten and or raped (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/slavery). Did someone force people to borrow money with huge APRs? Did they beat them and hold them down and force them self on them if you refused? If not then how is it slavery? Sounds to me like some over dramatic young adult made a bad investment, and a bad decision, borrowing too much money at too high of an interest rate for an education in a subject that is not lucrative enough. I never see people with Engineering Degrees talking about "Debt is Slavery". College is a bad investment these days, they charge too much for education (and spend that money on $200,000 speeches from criminals like Hilary Clinton)in potential job fields that are ether not worth much pay or for careers that are over saturated. Look at this list of in demand jobs: https://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2016/02/06/the-most-in-demand-jobs-and-what-they-pay/#75f08fcae52b. Notice they aren't looking for Liberal arts majors, or music history majors. Most jobs today that are in demand only require vocational training not a fancy degree. Debt is not Slavery, Debt sucks and should be avoided but it is in now way Slavery. It'd funny, you talk about propaganda and that is exactly what this article is. Maybe the people to be mad at is the tenured high school teachers brainwashing you into wasting money on College so that tenured college professors can take your money and force you to buy books written by their tenured buddies while they do the same. College prices are ridicules. Now while I have gone on record saying I have No Love for Banksters and insurance companies, they have to protect their investments so when they loan people money for education knowing that it is a terrible investment, they high to charge high rates to cover the losses from those who will not pay them back. Banksters are scum, but this, they are not to blame for. Blame the Colleges for this!

The super majority of people aren't free thinkers and are enslaved to a system of growing up in a time where big government/parents/schools all push you to go into college. That is the way it is and it needs to change because it puts people into debt that they cannot get rid of(even if they go bankrupt). The government can put you in jail for not paying your debts, take away your house, take money from your pay check, that is a form of slavery called enslavement.

True, but you have to sign an agreement for that, and that is an act of freedom. You Accept money in the form of a structured loan and yes if you did not pay it, they will come after you. If you borrow money from some people they will break your thumbs and kidnap your children when you do not pay.

But the key contextual piece you are leaving out is that the super majority of people are pressured by society/friends/family/relatives/teachers/and everyone else to go into college, buy a car, buy a house, have a new smart phone etc. Everyone has free will to the extent that they are awake, and not many people are awake. They are brainwashed to think/act a certain way.

The minority of us realize all of that and we choose wisely.

Well I am with you on that, people are pressured to go to collage, I said it in my reply. The pressure is coming from the education system, they brainwash you from 1st grade on how important it is to go to college. People have every right to be angry, angry at the school for lying, angry at the colleges for costs, angry at the government for not making it illegal to shill college or for professors to overcharge for books that people are forced to buy and angry at the banks for high interest rates. As for the phones and the house, people are seduced by the advertisements and get brainwashed. 2 good book recommendations for you friend. 1- Army of Davids. 2- Rich Dad Poor Dad. Army of Davids basically teaches you how to become immune to advertising. And RDPD teaches you that money can be made without a fancy degree. Also check out my link on how to save money https://steemit.com/save/@embomb701/2-ideas-to-save-money-and-buy-more-crypto.
I think me and you are on the same side of the argument but we are arguing over launguage. I agree that things are bad but I do not agree with your choice of word "Slaver" because that word is a whole different level of evil. What is going on in this world is Manipulation, wrong, unfair, and oppressive, but not slavery. I do like your articles though, I am following and I upvoted.

Yeah I think so too. The way I am using the slave part is more of "enslaved to the system due to brainwashing and govt handouts".

I am with you, we need to rise above this system designed to seduce and manipulate us. In America, there are fat poor people with smart phones, and broke struggling people with degrees, the system needs correction, there is an error in the code. One of the main points I was making is that blame needs to find the architects of this system not just the tools. The education system is the main offender. People literally have to go to school or they are arrested for truancy, and in that school system is where people are brainwashed for 8 hours a day that education is so important. This is all funded by the government, the same government who puts you in jail when you can't pay back the loans for the education you don't need. The Banks, while again I am not fan of, in this case are just the tools, the conspiracy of the college education is perpetuated by the education system (Which is controlled by the unions and the liberal left).

100% agreed! Good convo :)

Very nice post.
The sooner people stop accepting governments as their god, the better it will be for everyone..

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance:Debt Enslavement
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