The Democrats did shut down the government, end of story.

in #informationwar7 years ago

demo shut downz govtssss.png

It is not possible to blame the Republicans for the current shutdown of the government. Math(our helpful friend) will easily show why!

So as we all know, Republicans have the majority in the House of Reps, Senate, Presidency. The House of Reps did pass a bill to continue funding the govt!

"A House-passed stopgap bill that would avoid a government shutdown fizzled out in the Senate late Friday night."

Why did it fail in the Senate? Well, Republicans have 50 present for this vote and needed 10 Democrats to vote yes. What actually happened? 4 Republicans voted no and 5 Democrats voted yes. EVEN IF ALL REPUBLICANS VOTED YES, the bill still would have failed because it would have needed another vote from Democrats.

Don't let people fool you with saying "Republicans control everything, it is their fault it didn't pass". No, simply untrue. Democrats wanted a clean DACA bill to make 3,600,000 illegal Dreamers into citizens, they decided illegal immigrants are more important THAN POOR MINORITIES WHO ARE CITIZENS IN THIS COUNTRY LEGALLY.

Democrats are straight up lying.


I think it's a good opportunity for Trump to clean house and shrink some of these departments especially the department of education.

You are right, except I would go farther and say they are all lying. None of them really care about poor people. I hope the government stays shut down for good. We don’t need a federal government.

Right on! Our dependence on government is bad. We are like wild animals who are in a nature reserve, the signs say "do not feed wild animals as they will become dependent on humans and won't know how to feed themselves", but people keep feeding the animals!

I agree with you man!, Republicans aren't to be blamed.

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