Star Bucks isn't doing enough to combat their racism!!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I want to start this post off by saying that I was just thinking this a few days ago, how it actually isn't enough to take a day off of work and go to a anti-racism seminar and then to somehow not be racist in one day. It takes a lot more than one day of mandatory training to become "un-racist" for someone who is truly racist.

Star Bucks is utilizing a pointless method of trying to appease an irrational mob of people who won't stop until their rage peters out. There is a time and place to change your ways when people are angry with you certainly, but that is if you are actually "in the wrong". What we have instead is "this many people say you are in the wrong so you are wrong" aka mob rule, just because the mob is angry enough doesnt mean they are right....

I think most of us understand that coming into a busy Star Bucks that usually has no extra seats(this one was always very busy) and hanging out without buying anything is grounds for being asked to leave, especially if you are asking to use the bathroom and didn't buy anything or weren't planning on buying anything. Now it can certainly be argued that if they weren't causing any distress or harm to anyone one then why ask them to leave and ultimately call the police? Was it due to racist policies by Star Bucks? Sure, why not. Everything is "racist" in 2018, so lets just chalk it up to racism, its easy to do and feels good!

All kidding aside, no, having a policy where you ask people to leave if they aren't customers isn't racist. I would be willing to wager a super majority of all businesses have a no loitering policy, afterall, they are in business to serve their customers and not give you a place to "hang out".

Now, should the cops have been called? I think cops don't need to be involved in stupid stuff like this, so no. What should instead have happened is that the manager of Star Bucks just keeps asking them to leave if they aren't going to buy anything, and explaining to them why. People only get away with what we let them get away with, if you told them to leave and they said no and you just run away to call the cops it emboldens them. Firmly telling someone they need to buy something or leave would have likely worked. And if they utlimately didn't leave then you could tell them they will be banned from coming in or buying anything in the future again if they don't, then if they came in days later and find out that they can't buy anything and are again asked to leave they likely will stop ever showing up. Only if they contunially are violating their "banishment" should the cops actually be called to remove them. Calling the cops isn't your option B, it should always be option Z.

Now, the racism Star Bucks has.... Well, some people are racist, racists have jobs... To screen people for racism will just make people lie and say they aren't racist. We all know what "answers" to put onto those questionaries you fill out when applying to a job.

So what do we do? Take a one day seminar on anti-racism(TM) lead by Eric Holder. The answer was obvious the whole time. Get the guy who smuggled guns for Obama to lead a seminar, that will fix it no problem. It is just 100% magic what this guy can do, you walk in a racist and walk out not a racist! Who knew it was that easy ;0


Eric Holder,,,,, unreal. I wish he would just stay under his rock. Maybe take vacation to Mexico,,, heard it's nice to visit some of the border regions.

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