Being TOLD WHAT TO THINK? NO! Critical Thinking helps fight the @Informationwar on our path to peace and prosperity!

in #informationwar7 years ago

If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

One of the things @Informationwar #informationwar is going to combat against is propaganda. In this short blog post I am going to identify some key things I think everyone should know, so that you use these tools to evaluate information for yourself! :)

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If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

We may have heard this expression growing up, it may or may not have come from Joseph Goebbels(Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany). Believe it or not, there actually isn't an attribution to the man himself for this quote, but many do attribute it to him(oh the irony).....But the fact remains that a lie heard round the world is the truth...At least for a time it is...


As Hitler once said

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in this world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success. "

This may sound very familiar to you... The extremist movements on all sides(right,left,up,down,center,whatever) all do the same thing. Repeat talking points, vomit propaganda, never change their minds, attack attack attack. If you are on Reddit you know this as /r/politics + /r/news + /r/worldnews + most other subreddits vs /r/the_donald. Or even /r/bitcoin vs /r/btc.... The lies cannot continue unchecked, eventually something comes up to fight it. Whether or not /r/The_Donald or /r/BTC line up with your believes or what not, they are pretty consistent in their determination to find the truth, read data, analyze things, look for context. I would also add in /r/conspiracy to the list and a few others I am probably forgetting.

What if I told you, that a lie being told often enough becoming truth is related to something else you might have heard before?....

Bear with me here...


So why do people listen to the news? They want to be told what to think for the most part. What happens when the people telling us what to think are telling us their agenda, their propaganda, THEIR VISION??? Well you get what we currently have now! The rise of alt media and decentralized platforms are growing to combat the threat we face of propagandists in the MSM(on all sides).

This is why it is important that we continue to use these platforms to grow. To help our neighbors and friends grow. To teach critical thinking. What do most people know... They know what they are told, watch any video of some random college student being interviewed about their opinion on something and they regurgitate "what they were told by msm/society"... That doesn't make it right/correct/factually accurate, it well could be, but how do they really know???

We are becoming a society of wild animals being fed. Don't let it happen to you and your family/friends.


As long as people let them control us we will always be in there mind controlling agenda until they have total control. All I can say is never give up, never surrender. Great post keep up the good work.✌️👍👏👏👏👏

Thanks! You should make sure you check us out over @informationwar :)

I really like this post my friend.

I've been teaching Critical Thinking/Reading/Writing here in China for the past several years. (and will soon be launching my online academy where all my courses will be free...stay tuned!)

I've covered the topic of propaganda extensively with my students having them understanding the elements and techniques of propaganda, analyzing propaganda posters, mind control, etc.

Once they know how it works, students really catch on quickly. So, I agree with you that we must expose all this - no matter it comes from the left/right/middle/etc., like you mentioned.

I also used the Goebbels quote you mentioned (If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.), as it is soooo true. One needn't look further than MSNBC, CNN to observe this with all the Trump-bashing and Russian-collusion nonsense. That Rachel Madcow bitch on MSNBC is a master at this...

Also, mind control is an essential/integral part of propaganda. And you can watch the following video by 'A Call for an Uprising' YouTuber - it perfectly explains how the brain works in this regard (note I have just uploaded part of the video 'cause it is no longer available on YouTube):


A couple more favorite quotes by Hitler:



We'll be having a Discord meeting this saturday afternoon if you are interested; even if you can't make it, you are still invited to our channel!

Thanks Brother! I'm still going to donate to IW and will be there Sat afternoon. I'm going to be on @globocop's radio show tomorrow night.

prayers for your family Rich! we got folks yapping on the chat a good chunk of the time, too!

Thanks buddy!


Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Fighting Propaganda
Our Purpose

Very nice post

I cannot help but remember how you critically thought that Infiltration of violent groups and pushing Aggressors/Inciting others promote Peace, love, blah blah blah. It sounds ominousAF then reading "we are becoming".

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