Mean Words On The Internet = Prison

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

People, rejoice!

I just discovered from my Facebook feed that the Police in the U.K. has managed to successfully tackle all kinds of crime. No more murders, no more robberies, no more terrorist attacks, no more nothing! 

After giving themselves a good pat on the back and since they like to keep themselves busy, they have decided it's time to clean the Internet from all the meanies that use bad words:

Wasting Tax Money, Done Right

And yeah, this shit is totally real. Just click here and here to view the original posts. 

On a serious note, I guess turning twitter and facebook into censorship shitholes isn't enough. Now, if you manage to bypass their blocking and ghosting filters and have the bad luck to live in the U.K., you risk getting a huge fine in your ass or even jail for posting something "offensive".  

Remember those days that you could only block somebody for hurting your feelzz? Yeah, fuck that. Just call the police, sue them, get their money and have them locked in prison! Awesome!



Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

thanks :*

fuck, I used the word fuck on the post....somebody call the policeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....

Haha, dont say fuck & police in the same post, the Met will hunt you down.

Fuck i just said it.... barricade the doors!!

Lol. here i am. Who used the"f" word?

Seriously now. i believe the police SHOULD HAVE more serious cases on their hands than investigating tweets. I mean, WTF are they doing on Social media when crime is still on the rise? or did it take a break in these regions?

I am so offensed by the scots police tweet, maybe I should sue them at the European court...

Now I can't call you stupid motherfucker on Facebook ... or Twitter ...

What happens to the freedom of one's opinion and freedom of speech?
I mean, sure, don't offend someone right at their face, don't harass them verbally too. But it's not fair to ban words from Social Media! They are places were people express themselves., Zappl, d.Tube and dlive. Why is anyone still using centralized social media for anything more than promoting their steemit stuff? =\

I agree that the current trend of investigating every bullshit goes too far. On the other hand, there are exceptions. Spreading wrong, reputation-destroying rumors about a person is illegal in the physical world, so why would it be legal in the virtual?

It's not legal in the virtual world. It's called defamation. The thing is how vaguely the use the term "offensive"..

As I said to Ruth, it's what they define "offensive". Bashing and debunking Christans ? That's totally acceptable... Bashing conservatives or those lunny "taxation is theft" libertarians? I am sure that's ok too! Did you say something negative about Islam or a SJW? Maybe told a mildly sexist or racist joke? Or even worse, a joke they perceive as sexist or racist? Ooooppsss, sorry..That's hate speech. Here's your cell sir ;)


Well, I am offended by your post, mister -- and even more by your username, an obvious mockery of a great figurehead! POLICEMEN! Do your duty and arrest this poster!

On a more serious note, tax money has been "wisely spent" in similar endeavors in the past. USA agencies used to monitor chat rooms in World of Warcraft and other MMOs, as it was supposed to be used for hidden communication of suspects. Relevant evidence was found in Snowden documents:

The question lies as to whether monitoring people's social media profiles will end up with users fined for foul language, which admittedly lots of us use, or cyber bullying (which I am all in in fighting it).
Also, I don't support going around calling people names, but what about sarcasm or personal opinions? It's not that simple. We have become too easily offended I guess.

It's not just the foul language. It's what considered "offensive". I bet the uk police will have no problem with people bashing and being offensive against Christians or conservatives.. But don't even dare say something eveb remotely bad about Islam, because jail and a huge fine will come right your way ;)

I don't know how they can do it, without spending huge resources on chasing windmills. How can they put fines on a username? They have to verify the person owning the username, and this might be a pain in the ass oops, the posterior I mean, with all the fake accounts etc. And who is to decide what constitutes an "acceptable post"? People can take offence at anything these days.

Heh, it would be hilarious to watch the Headquarters of Social Networks Crime Division, in the Scottish Highlands, with the officers trying to go through all the troll- and shit- posts of the day!

It's super easy if you are not careful. They get your IP from facebook or twitter directly and bam, next thing you know you hear a knock at your door,

@trumpman Damn that is truly ridiculous.

we will continue to monitor comments on social media & any offensive comments will be investigated.

What? Don't they feel the need to at least be a bit more specific?

Although you may believe your message is acceptable, other people may take offence, and you could face a large fine or up to two years in prison if your message is deemed to have broken the law.

Eh? Other people may take ''offence'' ? ''Deemed'' to have broken the law? Aren't these some pretty vague statements??


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