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RE: What do you Think About Extreme Vetting?

in #informationwar5 years ago

i like your analogy.. but only to a point. fear of botulism overrides common sense. for instance, i will buy a can thats a little dinged but obviously new. maybe nothing wrong with the food at all, other than human mangling. but the fear wastes so much perfectly good product because the superficial package is dented.

its the same kind of "dont buy used" mentality that leads us to mass producing to meet the manufactured supply and demand, which leads us to issues of pollution, resource depletion etc. this thought process doesnt do our culture any favors, it just leads to throw away mentality instead of dealing with where that leads us down the road. a lack of consideration for environment and people.

we see all of the "bad" people under one microscope, and dont look at the grey areas of how they might be doing good, a balancing of power. trump is over protectionist, to the extent that he is labeling all mexicans as probable druggies and criminals, instead of looking at the reality of their socio-political reality. i dont agree with isis violence and distorted mentality, yet i question how the government labels 10k bad. what are the criteria? coming from a racist president, yes i do question that.

before you label all the bacteria in your gut as bad, maybe you should ask - what behavior do you have that allowed them to proliferate?


Danke! In some cases, a dinged or dented can be okay to eat from, but usually, a bulging can, on the other hand, is a sign of a spoiled product. If a dent or ding is substantial enough to where it breaks the seal, that too might cause the product to spoil. Regarding the "don't buy used" mentality, Obama's cash for clunkers program was infuriating to me. A condition of the program was to destroy the engine of the used car by pouring liquid glass into it's running engine. It was such a terrible waste of many perfectly good automobiles.

I don't know how they make the determinations about who is a terrorist either. If it were up to me, the U.S. wouldn’t be in the middle east at all. Operation Shock and Awe, and the continued military occupations or invasions to follow gave plenty of people an excuse to resort to violence. I think according to the military regardless of what bombs fell on whose heads; if there is physical resistance to the occupation, they consider it an act of terrorism. Regardless if you call these people terrorists or fighters, it should be common sense to return to sender, and in this case, it’s their respective nation of origin in the EU.

I don't think Trump labels all Mexicans as druggies and criminals. He highlights druggies and criminals when talking about border security because this element is particularly destabilizing to America's well-being. Trump just wants people to follow the rules, and come in through the legal route so that America can selectively weed out troublesome people from gaining entry. I've seen no evidence that he's a racist either. Perhaps, you have fallen victim to fake news or one of the many new and fake definitions of racism that colleges are brainwashing students with nowadays?

huh, never heard of this clunkers thing, but agee. also agree on getting out of any country that doesnt invite us, and even some that do. RTS, sure.

trump has repeatedly been derogatory about people, whether it be mexicans, women, handicapped, middle easterners, or anyone he doesnt happen to like at the moment. i would almost prefer him to be racist because the alternative is that he is a) trying to divert attention froim something he doesnt want focused on, b) trying to instigate hatred and nationalistic stupidity in the moronic masses who agree with him and look no further into the why. he has the ability to use speech writers so he doesnt say what he says offensively. i have heard many live broadcasts of him speaking, and even if its out of context, theres no way to condone his words.

so no, not all of this is "fake news". if he wants everyone to follow the rules, then why was he indicted for so many crimes himself? why does he skirt around releasing tax records? its not all "trumped up." there are too many instances of shady business for every single instance to be fake. just the fact alone that he thinks its ok to "grab a womans pussy" goes beyond decorum. his public image is harmful to international relations. i will agree with you on a lot of things, but on my opinion of this man, not a chance. om not a naive college student. if you make a vast negative stereotype or generalization about a race, that is racist.


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