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RE: Why Boycotting Bidbots to Save the Reward Pool is a Fruitless Endeavor.

Yeah that sounds good, more experiments on a smaller scale seem like the way to find an answer if there in fact is one. Human need/greed might not be solvable. If the environment stops people from capitalizing I could also envision large selloffs. But that in turn might trigger large buy ins. It's all very complex stuff. Multiple side by side experiments seems interesting. The free market also seems to work, but it inherently has always worked better for those who've found the fastest or most efficient ways to capitalize.


It is important to distinguish actual business with taking feral advantage of loopholes, as has traditionally been the means of acquiring capital, such as the enclosure movement that simply seized the grazing lands that had once been the common resource in England, or offloading expenses onto the public, as most corporations do today, by causing horrible environmental damage while extracting all the profits, then leaving the public to clean up the mess.

Free markets are hardly free today. The whole point of cryptos and Steemit is to make something better than we have had before.

That will take mutual respect and cooperation, not collectivism and communism. We can keep our wealth for ourselves, rather than being forced to tolerate the parasitic depredation of crony capitalists.

Expect massive resistance to any actual fair and just market from those that intend fully to extract as much of that wealth for themselves they can.

Hopefully a system can be found that works.

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