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RE: Socialism Versus Capitalism

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Before any radical changes which can either make or break a country, it would be nice to see models implemented on a city level. Maybe a new city with people who volunteer to be members of it. If they can show the world how to be productive and sustainable in such a way where they are also not miserable, then other cities might start to study and incorporate some of the methods. With as much interest surrounds the topic of moving away from capitalism, I'm surprised that this hasn't happened in any meaningful way outside of Amish communities. If force is required and volunteering isn't happening, it's generally not a very good sign for a successful model. It would have been nice to see the Venus Project get off its feet and do what it suggested it would.

"Sociologist Donald Kraybill, who has studied the Amish extensively, found 95 percent of new Amish businesses were still going after five years — far higher than in general society. But we found that the Amish achieve that remarkable capitalistic success in part by using principles that could be viewed as socialistic."wapo

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