Floating Airplane Mystery Solved!

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

It’s been about a day since I wrote about the spooky airplane stuff and after further contemplation, I think I’ve come to the answer behind the strange phenomenon. It’s not something that most people have considered. In our minds, this illusion creates the impossible. The plane is in the air, yet it is not gaining any ground, so how can it be in the air?

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UCda1FR2Gp4sXNnN-nV5YU-Q

The simple answer is these planes are in fact flying and not hovering. They are flying against a strong headwind. In the videos, the headwind is causing the plane to not gain the distance it should. I’ve come up with a few analogies to make this easier to comprehend.

Imagine yourself on a treadmill. You’re either walking, or running, and all the while you are not gaining any ground. That’s because the ground is walking you. It’s the ground that’s moving and if you don’t compensate for that by moving your legs then you’ll get thrown off the machine.

The airplanes that appear motionless in the sky have running engines, however, the wind resistance is such that the plane appears to come to a complete halt. If the engines of the plane were not on, it would get hurtled backward and gravity would do the rest taking it down to the ground. The winds shift all the time, so these things do not last forever. When they happen, it’s a very impressive sight to behold.

Another analogy would be that of a wind tunnel, skydivers often practice in wind tunnels to simulate falling. Whether they are falling is a matter of opinion, from the ground a plane pitted against a strong headwind may appear as if though it’s hovering. Yet, the pilot knows they are flying and not hovering.

The illusion created by this phenomenon was so strong that it both captured my imagination and also perplexed me, so I’ll leave a few videos below to help drive the point home.

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UCn4hFQLVRCNke8igJUQapEA

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UCyQUINBywuKtw_Iq8iw3n3g

VIDEO: YouTube.com/channel/UCOEGiCOk7ks4H4Q8LYkb6og

VIDEO: YouTube.com/user/StraitsTimesOnline

"Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see." – E.A. Poe


I feel relieved you did not fall for that mind trap, now avoid the BS Mandela effect and you are good to go. :-)

:-) You know, I did put that very top video in especially for you as it does, in its own instance, rule out the strict notion that you have to "be moving in a car, or motorbike to get the effect." So I did give your explanation much consideration before arriving at this conclusion, as to how specifically the illusion works.

If you can explain away that whole Berenstain Bears thing for me, I'd rest easier than I did after having made this post. That one is something that Truthstream Media hasn't even gotten to the bottom of yet, and I give them much credit for being very logically-minded individuals.

If the Mandela Effect hasn't twisted your noodle into a knot at least once, you either haven't looked into it closely enough or have not stumbled across one that affects you personally. When you do it feels a bit like a splinter in your brain if your logic-oriented. I'm not one that normally gravitates to "magical thinking" but when a situation leaves few outs I'm willing to play around and speculate some.

For example, I've seen a video of Geordie Rose, the founder of D-Wave explain how their quantum computers borrow the resources (or qubit power) from parallel worlds. If he's telling the truth, that changes absolutely everything. Mind you, that's the founder of the world's most famous quantum computer company.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." – Arthur C. Clarke

the founder of D-Wave explain how their quantum computers borrow the resources (or qubit power) from parallel worlds. If he's telling the truth, that changes absolutely everything. Mind you, that's the founder of the world's most famous quantum computer company.

A bit like Tesla, not the fraud from Silicon valley, the original one said about Einstein "Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists."

Berenstain Bears

I shall look into and get back to you, I never fail.

You know, it's funny that you mention Tesla. TSM just did a video on the fact that a company seems to be resurrecting his technology.

"I looked at that video, though as I am not from the USA, I have no idea about that book."

The Mandela effect is one of any number of instances where a large number of people seem to misremember the exact same thing. So they remember it one way, but then cannot find any evidence that-that one way ever existed.

It's quirky in the sense that if you are unfamiliar with the thing, it won't impact you. Maybe if you do an internet search for Mandela effect's in [insert country name] you might find one or more that will cause you experience it.

I know all about the Mandela effect, an no, I am not researching it further.
The memory is a funny thing, we never remember most things right, and that "conspiracy theory" is one bridge to far for me, as I can get 5 family members in a room, and convince them something happened, that did not.

The real Tesla was a genius, the Silicon valley fraud Musk is a fraudster, look into him, his family, and you will find out why.

Have a superb weekend.

Cool cool, you too.
Take it easy man.

I looked at that video, though as I am not from the USA, I have no idea about that book.

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