Can of Worms, Camel's Nose, Mind Your Business, Presidential Woes.steemCreated with Sketch.

In his Inaugural Address on March 4, 1801, Thomas Jefferson, America’s third President, advocated peaceful commerce with various nations. His emphasis was that we avoid entangling alliances. This way, Americans will not get caught up in protracted wars which have nothing to do with us. Now we will travel forward in time 218 years, 6 months, and 11 days later to examine a single tweet. According to his own words, Donald Trump, the current and 45th President of the United States seems all too willing to go to war with Iran at the command of a foreign prince in a Kingdom 7,507 miles away.

How did we get here? Well, in 2015 Yemen up and had itself a civil war, and now two vying factions are competing for political power. Saudi Arabia did the Camel’s nose thing in the form of bombs kissing buildings and people, turning them into a twisted, bloody, and mangled wreck as war does, and the next thing you know several years later, they get their asses handed to them in the form of a cheap shot on their pipelines. Go figure, right? Well, that’s what happens when you don’t mind your own goddamned business, it’s called opening a can of worms.

Whether true or untrue, Iran will get blamed for the surgical drone strike on Saudi Arabia’s pipelines. It is said that Iran is backing the Houthi faction in Yemen’s civil war. So, if that’s the case, I guess they can’t mind their own business either. Either that or they believe their business extends into the realm of sovereign foreign nations. All of this nonsense and blowback arises from nation-States not respecting the autonomy of the other.

I spoke of the Camel’s nose metaphor earlier. In case you are unfamiliar with the concept; Below is a short, fun, and simple illustration that shows why you shouldn’t give an inch to would-be aggressors, instigators, and or perpetrators. It’s a surprisingly apt story when you consider the locale of the events in question.



Does this story have a moral?
Why yes it does,
mind your business!

Article originally published at the WeKu blockchain.
The memeified Portrait above of Thomas Jefferson by Rembrandt Peale is public domain.


Are Americans getting back to producing oil in America?

Heard this is happening, and I can only
hope it will stop some of the stupid wars.

The days of the almighty dollar will soon be over.
Ain't no place left for it to go but down down down.

UPDATE: Oh I see what you mean now!
Dennis Hope already laid claim to the moon.
He might be the rightful owner if you concede
to the United Nations as the supreme authority.

Land ownership is ridiculous mostly. It's a story
we tell ourselves, a game that we play as humans. In
the end, the land owns us. It swallows all of the corpses.

Do you like the United Nations or do you prefer nationalism?

The more decentralized the better. Ideally, this would one day be taken down to the level of the individual. Realistically speaking though, this may never happen in our lifetime, and this is because the world is abundant with people who are all too ready to force their will upon others. The lesser of two evils in that scenario is Nationalism. It is in no way perfect, but it is by far less broken and more optimal than globalism.

How could it ever happen? You expect people to change someday when they had not for thousands of years?


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