Soon after the election of Donald Trump in 2016, many hysterical Democrats began to publically call for the impeachments of President Trump, thereby revealing their long standing treasonous intention to overthrow the will of the American people, and to undermine the efforts of the president to achieve benefits or the American people.

This demented desire to place the American people at risk for the political power grab of the Democrats is treason per se.


China Joe Biden took his son Hunter to China on Airforce 2 and Hunter returned with a multi-billion deal for Rosemont Seneca, a start – up financial services firm owned by Hunter Biden (the son of the Vice president) and Christopher Heinz ( the stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry).

No Wall Street firm got that contract.

Shortly after that China Joe told America that the Chinese are not going to eat our lunch and that the Chinese are not bad guys.

(In other words Joe was hilling for China – his part of being paid off.

Hunter was bounced out of the Navy for doing drugs.

After that Joe arranged for Hunter to become an executive of Amtrak.

Obama put Joe Biden in charge of Ukraine matters.

Suddenly, Hunter Biden is appointed as a director of Ukraine’s largest Gas Company, Burisma, which is owned by a corrupt Oligarch. Soon Hunter is being paid millions of dollars for this no-show-know nothing job.

Christopher Heinz is soon also became involved in this gig.

When the Oligarch was being investigated by the Ukrainian government, Hunter Biden and his pal (John Kerry’s stepson petitioned the John Kerry’s State Department to intervene on behalf of the Oligarch.

Hunter Biden sired a child out of wedlock, and is now being sued for failure to provide parental support for his little child.

Hunter claims that he has no money.

The child support court has ordered Hinter to provide copies of his IRS returns. Hunter has refused and Hunter’s lawyers in the non-support case have resigned with court permission.

Creepy Joe Biden has been even putting his hands on omen without their consent.

Biden has been videotaped sniffing women’s hair without their consent.

Joe Biden is on videotape bragging about the fact that he got a Ukrainian investigator fired. That investigator was investigating Hunters gas company Burisma. Joe Biden achieved this firing by threatening to withhold U. S. aid to Ukraine.

Joe has recently bragged that he enjoyed the fact that young boys were stroking his ( Joe Biden’s) hairy legs and that he (Joe Biden) enjoyed having those boys sitting on Joe’s lap.

Recently Joe was sucking on his wife’s fingers and bit her requiring her to have medical attention.

Political pundits of all political stripes acknowledge that Donald Trump is a brilliant campaigner and very astute politically, having defeated the Bush political dynasty and the Clinton political dynasty on his own.

Now the dopy Democrats require Americans and the world to believe that Donald Trump believed that the only way in which he could beat the political cretin known as Joe Biden was by seeking the help of the government of Ukraine.

What idiots!

The Democrat team led by Adam Schiff head of his Russian style gulag proceeding hidden in the basement of the capitol building has admitted that his committee did not prove its case by declaring that Schiff head’s committee would be conducting more hearings.

Jerk-off Jerry Nadler has made the same admission by whining that he wants more evidence in the way of more paper from the executive branch of government.

Jerk-off Jerry Nadler has announced that he wants to commence his new public hearings with 4 scintillating witnesses, who are prejudiced law professors, who will discuss their own opinions as to what might constitute impeachable offenses.

If the Democrats want to look at historical relevant precedent, they should look at the pictures of those who plotted against President Lincoln as they were photographed in 1865, hanging from the gallows in the Old Arsenal Penitentiary in Washington D.C.
That mass hanging also included a woman conspirator. (Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Jenkins Surrat)

Notably, the Democrats scheduled their current impeachment hearing to occur on a day long ago scheduled for President Trump to be in Europe to deal with important matters involving NATO.

Anything to undercut the president

In order to buy the loyalty of her Congressional Democrats, Nut case Nancy Pelosi arranged to fly her Democrat co-conspirators to Spain to “talk” about Climate change. (They do nothing Democrats talk but they never achieve anything for the American people

Sort of like her gift of a Bahamas vacation for her Democrat co-conspirators last winter.

No doubt, Pelosi’s tour group will discuss why people should not fly in fossil fuel burning aircraft.

The Climate change crowd will no doubt renew their demand that farting cows be eliminated from the earth.

Dr. Fartenstein (Erick Swalwell the California Congressman, who recently dropped out of the group of Democrats vying for the Democrat nomination for president, is accompanying Nancy on her gift boondoggle. Perhaps the Democrats on that boondoggle will be using Dr. Fartnestein as an exhibit of mammals ruining the environment by farting. To be honest, it would not be objectionable to eliminate Erick the Red (Dr. Fartenstein) to save the planet (or frankly, for any other reason).

We remind these dopey Democrats that if the legislative branch of government has a duty to oversee the executive branch of government, it must be true that the executive branch has an oversight duty with respect to the legislative branch.

The Horowitz report and the Durham indictments are due immediately.

Nobody is above the law, not even cheesy Congressional Committee heads.

And the gallows can easily be reconstructed.

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