

Republicans successfully caused Nancy Pelosi to call for a vote of the entire House of Representatives in an effort to legitimize the activities of the House Intelligence committee in holding impeachment hearings ( hereinafter referred to as the Halloween “Unfairness Bill:”).

Up until then, the activities of Adam Schiff, head of the House Intelligence Committee (hereinafter referred to by his name and position, namely Schiff Head) had involved holding embarrassing secret meetings in a basement room in the House of Representatives.

The transcripts of those hearings were kept secret, except for leaks publically being made before Television cameras by Schiff Head.

Republicans were not permitted to speak about the testimony under penalty of expulsion from the meeting, and questions propound by Republican members of Schiff Head’s Committee were either disallowed, or Schiff Head coached the witness as to what and how to answer the question.

The Democrats constructed a bill which codified the unfair activities of Schiff Head, because the Democrats knew that the subpoenas issued by Schiff Head’s committee were about to suffer defeat in federal courts.

In an effort to avoid this embarrassment, the Democrats cobbled together their Unfairness Bill.

During the rules committee hearing to consider the Unfairness Bill, Republicans offered 17 amendments to this Unfairness Bill to bring the Unfairness Bill into line with the unquestionably fair procedures established by the Republican majority during the Clinton impeachment.
All 17 of these amendments were summarily dismissed.

Rather than getting into the weeds of this Unfairness Bill Which is precisely what Commie Pelosi wants as a distraction to the substance) the fairness of this Unfairness Bill can be tested quite simply.


China Joe Biden proudly admitted on a video that he had threatened to withhold funds for Ukraine unless the President of Ukraine fired the Ukrainian prosecutor looking into the activities of the Ukrainian gas company employing China Joe’s son Hunter.

Several Democrat senators threatened in writing to withhold aid the Ukraine unless Ukraine continued supplying dirt on Donald Trump to the Democrat National Committee.

(China Joe Biden and those other Democrat Senators are hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Dirty Democrat Senators”).

Nancy Pelosi has committed treason in knowingly attempting to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States for her own personal benefit ( Nancy is third in line to become president if Donald Trump were impeached and something were to disqualify Vice President Pence from serving as president (like another phony impeachment).

As the chief law enforcement officer the president could bring an action against those involved in this coup attempt and Congress could bring impeachment proceedings against\against Nancy, Schiff Head, and the Dirty Democrat Senators.

The terms of the Unfairness Bill being proposed by the Democrats to govern the impeachment process involving Donald Trump should be used to govern:

  1. The treason trial of Nancy and her cohorts.
  2. The impeachment of the Dirty Democrat enactors.
    Except that, in each case, the arms of the Unfairness Bill relating to the powers of Democrats and Republicans be revered

What is good for the goose must be good for the gander, and

No one is above the law!

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