Constitutional Crisis

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

The Democrats and their sycophants in the “fake news” are right in calling the current conflict between the House of Representatives and the White house a “constitutional crisis.”

The constitution gives the House of Representatives the power to impeach the president of the United States for ‘treason or other high crimes or misdemeanors.” As of this time despite the whining of countless Democrat power seekers, we have yet to hear any one of these whiners identify that act of treason or identify the particular crime (high , misdemeanor or otherwise) committed by president Trump.

Vague whining does not cut it here!

If the president and the vice president were impeached and remove from office, the speaker of the House (in the present case, Mancy Pelosi) would be the president of the United States.

For this reason alone, the actions of the wholly owned by Communist China, Nancy Pelosi’s actions must be carefully studied.
Historically, investigation of the president by the house was preceded by a vote of the entire House to do such investigation,

That is how it was done in the investigations of Andrew Johnson (1868), Richard Nixon (1974) and Bill Clinton (1998).

Now after more than 150 years of precedent requiring a vote of the Entire House to commence impeachment herrings, Nancy Pelosi, the communist owned apparent beneficiary of impeachment, decides that she alone has the right to commence such activity.

Actually, Nancy’s action is far worse.

Remember that the current House of Representatives has already voted on 3 occasions to commence such investigation and on all 3 occasion the full House of Representative voted against opening such an investigation!

So now, Commie Nancy in defiance of the will of the House as expressed in the 3 prior negative votes is defying the will of the House, and acting on her own.

What ever happened to the mantra of the Democrat Party that “No one is above the law?”

By her unconstitutional action, Nancy has indeed single-handedly created a constitutional crisis.

Nancy has indeed omitted treason in her effort to overthrow the will of the American People and claim the presidency for herself.

It is Nancy who must be impeached and Nancy and her co-conspirators should be tried for treason and accorded the same public punishment as those who attempted to seize the American presidency from Abraham Lincoln.

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