Comey Schultz

On the 1960’s-1970’s Sitcom “Hogan’s Heroes, John Banner played the character of the loveable buffoon, Sgt. Schultz.

Sgt. Shultz line “I know nothing” became a national staple.

During late November of 2018, former FBI director, James Comey was called to testify before the House Judiciary Committee of Congress.

Comey resisted, expressing the concern that his testimony might be selectively leaked. An agreement was reached pursuant to which Comey would testify privately and the entire transcript of Comey’s testimony would be released to the public.

Comey testified on Friday December 7 2018.

On Saturday December 9, 2018, the full transcript of Comey’s testimony (the “Transcript”) was released to the public.
When he was put under oath before the judiciary committee, Comey swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

We emphasize “the whole truth” because in the 243 page Transcript, Comey answered “I don’t know” or “I don’t recall,” well over 200 times. Ironically, the entire Hogan’s Heroes sitcom played 169 episodes. Thereby meaning that Comey answered under oath, in essence “I KNOW NOTHIG” around the same number of times as Sgt. Schultz utter those words during the entire run of the Hogan’s Heroes sitcom.

And Comey achieved that remarkable record in just one day!

Comey is an egotistical jerk, who could not prevent himself from placing himself on center stage to demonstrate his self-importance or his self-perceived brilliance, for example, by declaring that he had to decide whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton (the function of the US Attorney General), because after her airport meeting with Bill Clinton, he (Comey) could not trust Loretta Lynch.

Based upon his December 7, 2018 testimony, James Comey is either a liar, or a complete moron, or both.
Although, in fairness, we should allow the possibility that Comey is suffering from a serious mental disease, such as Alzheimer’s.

Based upon Comey’s reprise of Sargent Schultz, Comey should be facing serious jail time,
And the FBI attorney who instructed Comey to not answer several of the Judiciary Committee’s questions, should be interrogated by senior Justice Department counsel and disciplined appropriately for that attorney’s apparent effort to obstruct justice.

Comey should also be interrogated on the subject of whether Comey’s answers ere discussed in advance of his December testimony, with any Democrat member of the Judiciary Committee.

This interrogation of Comey should occur after Comey is in jail awaiting trial, and/or awaiting sentencing. In essence, Comey should be interrogated, while being Muellerized ).

Comey should find this fair, after all, Comey declared during his testimony that, although he did not know a particular thing, he (Comey) “had faith in the process.”

Amazing, the man once deascribed by his agents as “the cardinal of the FBI,” because of his know it all attitude and who is now disgruntled because of his having been fired now declares to almost every question:

Let’s jail this pompous SOB (Schultz-like Obfuscating Bore (“SOB”)).

Even Sgt. Schultz labored in a prison for his career!

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