California Dreamin'

For very long periods of time, California was rightfully considered to be one of the most beautiful places on earth.

However, years of neglect, mismanagement, and a liaise fair attitude on law enforcement by Democrat ideologues has nearly destroyed this paradise.

San Francisco and Los Angeles, once the jewels of the west, are now plagued with disease, vermin, Wildfires and homeless using public streets, other public and private property as their personal latrines, the disastrous condition of schools, crime, gang violence and egregiously high taxes, has spawned a mass exodus from California and a recent poll discloses that more than half of the people still remaining in the state intend to soon relocate to other states.

The existence of wildfires and human waste on the streets has occasioned some comics to observe that that combination of wildfires an human poop on the streets makes California perfect residence for uber-liberals ,who look down on other Americans, while considering themselves to be “hot sh[o]ts.”

The nut case uber -liberals like Governor Gavin Newsome believe that throwing federal money at the homeless problem will make the homeless problem go way Federal .Secretary of Human Services, Dr. Ben Carson has asked the obvious question what would California do with all of this federal money?

Mayor Giuliani solved the homeless problem in New York while he was mayor of that city.

Mayor Giuliani had the police cart the homeless off to shelters were they could be treated for disease, addiction and mental issues. These shelters were not catered by the Ritz, the Hilton or other high quality hotels.

It is time for California politicians to stop dreaming and do some real work.

One volunteer group started to undertake clean-up of human excrement and needles from the streets of San Francisco.

We believe that if the federal government re-instituted the draft and drafted all California politicians into a “clean the streets” army, the problem would be solved very quickly. The politicians would very soon find another way to clean-up the problem.

Medieval diseases, such as Typhus and the Black Plague, which have already been found in California’s finest hospitals could be readily addressed if these uber-liberal morons would deal with these problems in medically effective ways rather than being concerned about some endangered species (other than human beings).

Sadly, politician California Dreamin has led to a California nightmare on Elm Street (or maybe that is Hyde Street).

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