Bumper Stickers

Have you noticed that whenever a liberal is asked to explain whatever he, or she means by his, or her objection to a conservative position, we get no substantive response, all we get is a liberal Bumper Sticker slogan?

Border Patrol Officers and President Trump want a barrier to stop illegal aliens from causing serious harm to the American people.

Liberals explain their objection by boldly yelling their bumper sticker slogan that they want responsible border security.

If liberals are asked “what does that mean?” They babble that we should have electronic surveillance, like drones with cameras (Will liberals next require that illegal aliens be given “selfies” of themselves crossing the border illegally?)

How will this electronic surveillance stop illegal border crossing? Liberals cannot answer, but they then immediately repeat their bumper sticker slogan that they favor responsible border security.

President Trump decries the ridiculous liberal policies, such a lottery migration and chain migration.

Chuck Schumer declares that he is proud that he (Chuck Schumer) was the sponsor of the lottery migration statue.
Ultimately, Liberals treat to their other bumper sticker slogan, namely, “we must fix our broken immigration system.”

When liberals are asked what they would specifically propose as a fix, they have no answer. They just repeat the bumper Sticker slogan that they support the fix of our broken immigration policy.
Perhaps these liberals are brain damaged because they are on drugs (which might explain their fixation with everything needing a “fix”) Liberals cannot even seen to specify what in the system is broken.

It is a shame that what now substitutes for reasonable discourse, debate, and exchange of logical ideas, is a flurry of bumper sticker slogans from the liberals.

It is also a shame that the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), and John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK), has become the party of Bumper Stickers. (BS)

Americans are truly growing tired of all of the liberal BS.

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