Well, this is it people. DLive, is done for now.
They probably even have Trump supporters and gamers using that place now! Those fucking animals! hehehe just kidding, this is exactly the kind of bullshit that has Trump skating to a 2020 landslide.
Dlive is a Chinese company.
The Chinese don't really care about racism the same way the woking dead do. Corporations are even known to downplay black actors on movie posters to cater to the Chinese audience. If you want to attack an ethnocentric group maybe the Chinese might make more overall sense to target especially considering its a Chinese owned company. You know, to be consistent and stuff...
This kind of stupid shit is extremely transparent.
This has absolutely nothing to do with racism. It has everything to do with attacking alt media. Its a hit piece aimed at attacking competition in the social media space. Most likely its paid for and published by the competition.
To that I dismiss this with a simple
Racists using Dlive = Trump 2020 landslide FACTS AND LOGIC
Dlive looks like a yellow twitch lol
Its a bit more than that. Its crypto based ect...
Yes, yes, but I just meant it is almost the same UI
Yeah, I guess its better to not reinvent the wheel.
Too late. Wheel was reinvented LOL
Who's the maroon that published that piece?
Posted using Partiko Android
I don't want to give this asshole clicks though.
I gotchu, fam.
And why do you call someone a "maroon" for stating an objective fact in the headline?