Uniquely Us: Mass control through global homogenization of mind

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

We might live, work, go to the same gym, vote for the political parties, believe in the same god or, lack thereof as the case may be; but we are not the same. You are you, I am me and the difference between us is where our beauty lays as well as our opportunity yet, we are losing it.

Firstly, the beauty. Opposites attract for a reason, namely genetic diversity but, this goes beyond the levels of species continuance. As much as we like to interact with people similar to ourselves, we are drawn to the mystery and possibility of the unknown. We are risk adverse however, we also have the tendency to open ourselves up to the flames. We often get burned but, what we learn is an experience that we would not have had otherwise, information we would not have held otherwise.

Which leads into the opportunity. It is this variation, this diversity of experience, thoughts, perspectives and approaches to life that gives us the resource diversity required to tackle the problems we face. 'Two heads are better than one' only when those heads are able to communicate effectively and hold a variance of ideas that increase the possibility of finding solutions.

But, we are slowly decreasing our diversity.

People seem to have this idea that we are all expanding outwards as our experience increases as our borders disappear and we start to welcome in more and more various cultures, colours and communities into our folds. but, is this the case? I don't think so although it might appear this way at first.

We are using the same platforms to share our experiences, consuming the same movies, playing the same games and we are exposed to the same advertising, concepts of government and ideals about what is right and wrong. We are not diversifying, we are homogenizing. Converging.

Where does this lead us, why would this matter, wouldn't this stop the conflicts and the violence?

Diversity of humanity is difficult to control, hard to maintain and near impossible to satisfy anywhere close to equally. A population of cats is hard to wrangle but,a population of sheep with similar ideals, similar outlooks and similar desires is easily catered for, easily incentivized to act predictably. We can be corralled not just within borders but across borders, globally. But even take out the New World Order governance and limitation imposed and there are problems.

Our strength as a species is our ability to adapt to the challenges we face and adequate adaptive skills require diversity of genetics for the animal and thought for the human component. Our ability to solve complexities we face without having to evolve our body is what keeps us advancing faster than any other species and at a level that far outstrips anything that has knowingly come before us.

But, we are engineering ourselves to be similar, think similarly and want similarly, we are boxing ourselves into a frame of mind where similar is rewarded and variance is disincentivized. The money goes to who can cater best to the masses, not those who makes breakthroughs on the fringe. It is about popularity not diversity which are usually diametrically opposed.

And the ways we are becoming similar is through our own pleasure centres, entertainment and apps that lessen our need to curate our own lives, learn new skills, understand the rules of nature. The artefacts we use compete with our own species level talents and lessen our abilities to expand our set, increase our range and have a chance to solve problems we have not yet encountered, not yet imagined.

And this is where the majority of harm happens, the oppression of imagination a crushing of creativity and a continual lessening of our ability to think differently from the person next to us. What we know becomes what we all know and if what we all know isn't enough to face challenge, the only way to overcome is to be creative enough to think outside of the box we have been incentivized to buy into with inferior skills we have been incentivized to give up.

Buy this to make your life easier, think this to reduce conflict, behave this way for a reward.

Perhaps there is no umbrella organization managing it all, perhaps it is just many cells with the same agenda, maximization of profits by creating and catering to the masses but, the same result is achieved. We are similar and weaker, protected and soft, entertained but not creative.

One thing we are, is easily manipulated.

[ a Steem original ]


Shareholders, the 0.1%, dominate everything. No matter whether they are modern civilization shareholders, political dynasties, or oligarchy they [indirectly] decide the work of everyone else and how that work focuses, what it focuses on.

If that is giving us the impression of connectivity by always tweaking for longer time on-site, upselling or cross-selling across the corporation, pushing one agenda across the whole media imperium - dictated or by selection of staffers... the drive to satisfy those at the top decides it all.

Because even the C-level staff is a slave of the board and the shareholders. A well paid one tho but still subject to the whims of those who yield the true power.

yes, so that small minority, regardless of whether they are colluding or not will also come into a tight line that maximises their own gains which is by maximising us.

But at the same time we are real spoiled and have no idea what to do with our free time. It's a complicated thing if you can preserve a culture when everyone starts to consume the same content. Where is the new novelty? What will be the new exciting thing? After Trump it's pretty clear that we will never go back to something that looks normal? It's already a TV Show.

For each individual person it's simple to regain freedom. Just turn off the Intellect and you can start to use your real Intelligence and live a unique life. Only problem is that you still need to engage with a Life where majority is trapped in their own Intellect story. Which will mean even more divide and complication. Too much dissection of life and it will break as we are starting to see the last couple of years.

Clearly boredom will rise a lot if people doesn't realize they are living a life trapped in the Intellect. Thanks to our schooling system. But clearly it will be impossible for the government to be able to control humans now with the Blockchain stuff. Which will make the next 15 years very interesting to watch up close.

Unfortunately diversity of opinions or even appearance I'd no longer tolerated in today's World. We're increasingly seeing cases where dissenters are shut down by the media led group herd. It looks as though it'll only get worse, not better.

The internet may have dissenters a chance to fight back, but the group herd mentality may ultimately prove too strong

Rather than using the internet to understand and maximise personal potential, people entertain themselves with celebrity news and farmville.

Farmville still a thing? Lol. I remember it was 2009... 2010 at least... I'm getting old haha

Diversity is something that is gradually fading in the world we find ourselves in. A diversified opinion usaully results in endless arguments, a diversified culture is hated upon, and ultimately people with diversified color are usually maltreated in various communities. It's like something bigger out there want to coerce all human species to do things or think the same way, which to me isn't advisable. This is a very excellent publication. Keep it up sir. @tarazkp

The spectrum truly does seem to be decreasing... with the illusion of freedom and choice. It does make you question those fine tuning the illusions. Guns N Roses had a double album called Use Your Illusion... and now perhaps we havea better understanding of why.

The path seems to be broad that leads to the ultimate homogeny. There does seem to be a Pied Piper or Idol Shepherd leading the flock straight to the slaughter house or to the wolf's den!

Woe to the idol shepherd!

The world's a stage and the puppet master is orchestrating his show! I think it's time we help cut the strings!

'Two heads are better than one' only when those heads are able to communicate effectively and hold a variance of ideas that increase the possibility of finding solutions

You just dropped a valid punchline here sir. Lolzz. This is nothing but the truth because if those years don't agree, there would be disagreement which would at least make one head better.

Diversity of humanity is difficult to control, hard to maintain and near impossible to satisfy anywhere close to equally.

Well this can be said to be true only when they dont agree else it wouldn't be difficult.

You said something about a group of cats not being easy to handle and control but easier with sheep. What actually is the difference in controlling both?

One thing we are, is easily manipulated.

And you know what i think i find more harmful? being manipulated by decentralized reward system

We are going to be faced with the risk of neglecting value in doing anything and expecting something in return, we face the risk of rubbing this habit into our normal life such that we may loose all acts of kindness in its entirety, technology is one thing and decentralization is another, but so is humanity and our Co-existence with each other, yet this technology is having a great adverse effect on the latter.

I made a post about this here, please permit me to put the link here, i will appreciate your thoughts

Again lots of truth.
No matter how much influence we do get from other people or other cultures, it is up to us how we do use them in real life!
For me, the most valuable asset of the steem blockchain is that I do learn new things and points of view. It shows me how diverse we all are! And I really do enjoy when an interaction starts to take place, where both parties can understand the point of views from each other. Both trying to explain it with respect for the other party involved!
We all like to have an opinion which everybody shares, but sometimes it is necessary to be the salmon, swimming against the flow! Or trying to think outside the box.
One of the best question which can help with this is : what if ...
This could give you a complete different perspective on ideas, entertainement and so on!
The easiest way is most of the times, not the best way to live your life!

The answer to all of this watering down of differences is for each of us to realise the truth in your words and step aside from the system and commit to personal self-development/growth/awareness.

Courage and conviction is required to be different from the crowd and a person can end up feeling isolated ~ I know this from personal experience.

My truth leaves me with few friends these days as I no longer fit their perception of what constitutes success.

Here's to all the free thinkers!


A funny paradox that government sanctioned forced diversity, leads to lack of diversity

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