Why do most females hate me IRL - a specific part of the theory... ||| qanon

in #informationwar4 years ago

first of all a greetings to all the wall street "babes", in the sense that those who didn't betrayed, are really reporters, reporters part of team, who sometimes embark on highly profitable campaign of narratives, but remain fundamentally bound by a certain thing called the matching prices, as some called it the tape... yes yes, it goes faster than the collective brains of humanity, hmm sorry, MANkind could process...

in short we are cool, whores :).


the specific part :

Why do most females hates me IRL - a theoretical attempt at answering :

so it goes :

me : weak question
F : lie
me : discard lie
repeat a few time until :
me : real question
F : collapse / implosion / explosion / freeze
F : exposed
F : angry
me : loling and sad at the same time, poor little weak creature, still so much issues and neuroframes to understand... hurry up... death nears :).

then on a personal note, I would ask those who neurotrained those "holes" as in a sense you broke their real potential, you limited them, of course it's their fault to have fallen or let themselves fall or surrender to social "norms".

in a sense, yes it's pedosatanic... however it's not global-

q: how do the chinese people traditionally support spiritually pla/mss? is there a thing, like pray for the troops? PLA/MSS has saved MANKIND, I hope it keeps going...

my answer, don't waste your time, keep marching :)

anyway !

it's mostly nato countries who are infected at different stage by pedosatanisteugenistsdepopulationists :) with a strong drive to achieve a worldwide feodal hegemonic totalitarian condittionning authroritarian (trained obediance, the boa way etc).

I guess, I am going "in all direction" right? and you, where do you go? you try to follow?

and final example :

they say the lionness hunts, it's true, she "cooks", however she "hunts" "below"...

ask them : lionness not a danger since the time of their mothers who never were :)


what western female believe :

reality :

the problem is that western female can accept their physical inferiorty easily... for example I don't think serena would even try to kick mike, unless very carefully ask if he is really sure and wants it, I mean... wouldn't want to hurt against his will.

However I am not sure serena would accept that mike is smarter too...

smarter the word may seem harsh... resaid, mike like all men, has an higher hunting potential as a female. of course due to his size mike will have to compensate intellectually and mentally and harmonily to hide better than others :).

what I mean is that the totalitarian will of the western feminist to enter in a competitive rapport with men can only end bad for the world they came from.

however I understand that western females are for the most part the perfect muppet to achieve the wold ambition of certain men maybe even long ago dead but whose fundations and others "proteges" keep trying to achieve.

maybe the real force of china is it's harmony and balance...

what's interesting is that saying that Rome was weak (rome=/vatican for the idiots) at certain point in history is idiotic, but that it became, an evidence.

who surrendered egypt?


a: a female.

before whom?

a man who couldn't have fought a long war over the sand.

what time of the year was it?

how many days did the "invasion" lasted?

why would it have failed? the romans were to heavy... titus knew it, as such static.

remember cesar only fought "french"... if they could have invented washmachine to wash witter than white their flag they would have :D.

roman legion were designed to fight the geman unified tribes and those behind... aka you need HEAVY...

this is not light sand warfare under the mighty sun of egypt :). no no...

effectively, we travelled in time and space :).

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