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RE: How Do You Watch Infowars?

in #informationwar5 years ago

I have lost complete interest in infowars, when they lost the capacity to understand that pedogate / epstein is under the responsability of Ag Barr, and so ultimately the trump admin.

What's the difference between infowars and foxnews? foxnews is more buffonery while infowars has more white genocide plan exposure...

but for the rest, the main and only theme is : TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP

at least when obama was god emperor, infowars was critical of the admin policies... while in fact, obama didn't took the guns, obama didn't allowed gmo fish, didn't force vaccinated, won all wars without any relevant casulaties.

what is trump doing? and worst what was the last critizism from the infowars about trump?

did they send reporters to the beach of pedoisland (it's legal to be on the water line)... no.

what do they do?

have their milley waver (watch her before being the typical hypergamist soon to be alphawidow single mother) go to ask people on the street?

don't forget alex jones has 4 kids, 2 wives... it means pensions, university, etc...

he doesn't give a fuck about you, used conspracies to build an audience to sell it to vakay... never build a single win - win.

never did a single upvote here... or anything decentralized...

never told you to make your own health...

nothing... a little fuck guru centralizator.

but I love him, you know why? he opposes the war state... good luck to him and his folks when PLA will be ready... :D.

an average us militia can last... in second against a modern pla combat group in a invasion of conus mode... seconds... the time to aim, and click.

so keep dreaming... god emperor money whore pedo protectors.


You are lying about Infowars because what you wrote is inaccurate. You take things out of context. Also, Alex Jones yells at Trump all the time. They were yelling at Barr.


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