Commentary on an article on zerohedge...

in #informationwar5 years ago

The New World Order concept is simply the wish of a handful of international bankers that want to economically and politically rule the whole planet as one happy family.

I disagree... it's more the cleptocratic childraping western globalizing aristocracy... ie, the slave herders, slave handlers and others of this type.... remember a real banker who cheat on his wife is done in the real foreign merchant banking world... why? if he fucks her, who else will he? secondly and contrary to the popular ideology, bankers work... a lot. Ask gary or master llyold... what mnunchin is not doing would have certainly be case of termination, I mean should have been today the latest that the checks should have been sent... look at paulson, hank,... high energy... like cramer... action, chop chop... money is time, time is money, and I wasting mine :).

so... it's more aristocratic unworking cabal of dreamers and muppet thinking to rape, plunder and eliminate competition to them...

and finally the money changers can't tolerate a one world gov as it leads to a one world currency... as said, out of the temple but for the rest : may your rates be the best...

so wrong.

. It started in 1773 and if it went through important changes over the years, but the concept and objective haven’t changed an iota. Unfortunately for them, international banks that have been looting the planet through the US dollar since 1944 are now threatened by hyperinflation, as their printing machine has been rotating for years to cover their absurd spendings to sustain oil and resource wars that they’ve all ultimately lost.

it's more complex... let's say that alex joonz is right, it's with this fucking greek : aka plato... this herder had to be smashed, his little cities defeated, by Rome, when it was still a true warring state... one of the greatest victory on earth... but as always the narrators, have ways to keep crawling back... and what the fuck, 12.23.1918? is is the right date, I am confused... but again, if you want trace earlier, it's the loot of the common in england to have the collateralized capital for the industrial revolution, and if you want to understand a little bit more, it's the relation between the occupiers of the roman so called christian church and the jews, it's in relation with money changing , lending and the fall of the true freemason, those before pedogate and others deviancy, when they could lend and the pope and his raping kings attacked...

ie the war rages... no forced converstion, no forced vaccination.... you see it's the same agenda, assassin creed explains it well... it's a mindset... the shepard mindset... relying on the sheepdogs... happilly the pack always win, why? the birds sings for the pack... ahahah ! free meat !!! there... walk... more... more there... look... how weak :).

In order to prevent this upcoming hyperinflation, they generated a virus attack on four countries (China, Iran, Italy and now the United States) to spread panic in the population, with the precious help of their ignominious medias.

again hyperinflation in the time of machines is a very complex problem to address, don't forget even the surface of the lighting sun can be extended on earth with sattelites and leds... that goes to the verticality of grow, ie infinite universe...

Even though this corona virus isn’t different from any new viruses that attack humans every yea

exposed, you are a french propagandists, or at least from the macron clan... it's a bioweapon look at the rna insertion points, the patents, event 201... you are sooo fucking dumb (that will be the next post).

. The top virologist on the planet confirmed that chloroquine was being used by the Chinese with spectacular results to cure patients, then he improved his magic potion by adding a pneumonic antibacterial called azythromicin, and saved everyone of his first 1000 cases, but one.

the problem for the macron gang (aka the genocidists forced vaxxers, did you know macron flash children in france with 10 mandatory vaccines, and your miss lepen the dirt whore of french politics said nothing like she loves to arrest people for plants but not sullfites in wine...), is that this guy is anti co2 scam... so for mac and his goons he is personna non grata... when sanofi makes the health politic of a country you get france...

Donald Trump immediately imposed the same treatment through a fight against his own Federal Drug Administration, bought and owned by the deep state.

can we please stop with this deep state non sense... it's fucking stupid, they are the representants of the cleptocratic childraping aristocracy, their technocratic wing, those low iq, just dumb enough to conform in univeristy to get grades proving their compliance and guilty toward a system they are too dumb to apprehend, like you...

This forced all medias to talk about Dr Didier Raoult’s Miracle Elixir, signing the death warrant on our confidence in all Western governments, their medical agencies, the World Health Organization, and medias that were trying to destroy the impeccable doctor’s reputation, while inventing sudden «dangerous side effects» of a nearly inoffensive drug that has been used for 60 years to treat malaria.

as we say in russia fuck them, with have aks and the first men in space... and in the land of TCM, it's just another compout... nothing new, the flow...

of course the pedo raping cleptocratic aristocracy owns the who since long, like all un agency why do you think they are in nyc and geneva? nyc who owned the land, geneva who owned the land? you see... it's a group to where it leads, and curiously you will see how macron fit in it...

slowly but surely... the confluence of the fallen jesuists with... ahahaha... search little goon...

Not so far away in Germany, internationally praised Dr Wolfgand Wodarg noted that the engineered panic was totally useless, since this virus isn’t any different than the others that affect us every years.

what a bullshit of crap... unable to understsand ACE2 in this? too hard for your little mind, or it's sanofi who leads you like a slave? fuck offf...

This has been an amazing victory for Trump

like saving trainer ghislaine? fuck off again.

de facto, the credibility’s of these puppet governments have vanished in the air, and from the eye...

others have proven and proven and proven their values and intentions, not by words but by deads, to the true tsar of russia... the one awaited... the savior of the russian people...

My friends, globalism is dead and ready for cremation.

lol, ghislaine is well, andrew is free, gates is spewing his filth, dorsey is alive, monsanto roams hidden in basf.... nope ... far from it... that's what you don't get... they are ready to double down again... understand they rape with impunity children on their rape island... with impunity, by the doj, fbi, cia, dod... impunity...

there are a few standing group against them, PLA, RUSSIA, THE DIVIVIDES (at 3 even) aka the semiths and persians and co... to bangladesh.... :) and deep south near the jungle... I mean, it's a big crowd...

International bankers couldn’t see it coming in 1991, when they dominated 95% of the planet after the fall of the Soviet Union.

many advance far harder theories on the fall of soviet union... I agree that now it was the only way, but wasn't it all along the plan? who knows... those are true war planners... not muppet in costumes parroting on tv... this is russia... laika... spidergoatsilk... plants souls... many things... the wild and the forest... where shamans leave... the mystics... many things... where all hashes flow...

When Vladimir Putin got charge of Russia, there was no sign that he would do better than the drunk he had replaced

ahahahahah... the take over... first the fall of the soviet supreme, restructuration, discoverying value, etc... when the american financed trained and indoctrinated terrorists attacked, you knew it was game on... the event of the drink in grozny suburbs... it's russia... cybernayaha...

Vlad knew that he had to start by building an invincible military machine.

you know, standing on the shoulder of a collossus... you know the wmdS programS of SU are still massive... LEE... it's not mad... it's LEE... life... at least it's the trial... some may survive... bacterias, amibes... you know hard core as it gets.

. He came up with different types of hypersonic missiles that can’t be stopped, the best defensive systems on the planet, the best electronic jamming systems, and the best planes.

lol a satan 1 or 2 at 20km? 50? 100km? alltitude over the conus, and the party starts... it's more the combine... will... the motherland.

ny NATO force or any of its proxies, as he did starting in September 2015 in Syria.

stilll don't understand mad... once all french nuke plants blow, it's over for russia... at least western russia to altay, ie ural toasted...

this round there has just begun... it's a 1400+ year old war... so one round here or there... the two central question remains. who what with "this girl" and who to lead th ummah... that's mostly it... ridiculous isn't it? but still... it's a serious story... it's a story of ibliss and many more...

He proved to every country that independence from the NWO banking system was now a matter of choice.

always have been... you think it's banker... why this hate?

furthermore you miss the true clash... nudelman... marioopol or not...

Since there is no hope in starting WW3 which is lost in advance, the last banzai came out of the bushes in the shape of a virus and the ensuing media creation of a fake pandemic. T

this is outrageous : it's the cleptocratic childraping aristocracy relying on technocrats minions like macron... business... since when the guys at carinaval or carabeen cruise or the thousand of food outlet and everyone wanted this? it's only a weaked bill gates a nasty prince philips... you know this plague and their agent gretthas... even sorros maybe unhappy with this shit show... it's the eugenist aristocrats, those who call themselves royals of the western branches of so called christianity who always backed by the pope have raped using oxcytocin, the true hereditary enemies of mankind... anyway...

o keep controlling our money supplies

you understand nothing... if it was pearl, and you let gary alone on the floor, a few (hours) day later, even with nothing to start he will own it, or part of it... why? talent...

That’s when Vlad took out his revolver to start the Russian roulette game and bankers blew their brains out upon the pressure on the trigger.

wrong, hard work and let the enemy fall on his own wsword, russia did nothing to censor on twitter, quite the contrary, rt is here... you see it's a mindset... no fear, (but the cold when it's extremely cold, ie listen to the datcha master).

Medias didn’t have any choice but to start talking about it, which ignited a chain reaction: big pharmas CEO’s were fired because they had just lost the vaccine contract, countries like Canada looked like genocidal fools for not using the cheap and inoffensive medication, while a most outrageous criminal act by a government was exposed in full light: the Macron government had proclaimed in January 2020 that chloroquine was harmful and had restrained its use, just a couple of weeks before the burst of the fake pandemic! Russian roulette is a popular game in Western governments these days around.

the clepto childraping aristocrats technocrats? the white obamas... lol... please macron protect polanski. there is nothing to say.

On Saturday March 28th, Russia announced its own corona-killing brew, based on Dr Raoult’s magic potion. Yet another Cossack blow, this time to the big pharmas jugular vein, while most Western countries now have to implement the good doctor’s treatment, or face the slap of a Russian pill coming to save its citizen. Putin is in the lifesaving business these days:

there is the line I like : Putin is in the lifesaving business these days:

always has... but for that you have to kill cia / mi6 / western servants of the child raping aristocracy, aka the james bonds... that's it.

nothing fancy :). but it has to be done... harvesting their corpses accross china and throwing the rest inside the us embassy... those are the human plagues... things... crab feed.

I guess for such a writer to see american or mi6 agents as simple crab feed is impossible, just imagine slashing sean connery, yeah... bosman or what ever, and may the crab be happy... that's it... things... like when they see our daughters trained to be raped by the vip and do nothing... you understand? it has to have hate, to remove what they try to pretend to be aka human to see them for whta they really are : things.

feeding barr daughter to barr is nothing but like rocks shoking.. noting... things on things...

you will say crual or brutal... nope human... so that the enemies know.


he New World Order is facing the two most powerful countries on the planet, and this fake pandemic changed everything. It showed how desperate the banksters are, and if we don’t want to end up with nuclear warheads flying in both directions, Putin and Trump have to stop them now.

kiiiiikkkkkkooooo lol... ahahah you mean Chairman Mao next (aka today Xi and yesterday Hu? hu?)... my opinion, the northern hunting ground are well managed by the russians... the flow is with them, so be it, and it's too cold...

no it's just that you don't get true story : maga > because they saw that China had won, they try to get russia to fight china... just lol...

another muppet written article... anyway, thanks for zh to post such writting as it's one of the freest website on the whole internet... I guess jack dorsey must hate it :).

sad to not have read about dicamba / gmo too... georgia... was a cool flash point, keep the bottom... etc...

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