SWATting Hogg? What is wrong with people?!

in #informationwar6 years ago



Today, some unbelievable idiot decided to “SWAT” David Hogg’s house.

Now, for those of you who don’t know what SWATting is, let me explain.

You call the cops and claim that a gunman or gunmen are in someone’s house or business holding people hostage.

Then, quite naturally, the police respond hard and fast. And of course SWAT is called in to handle the situation.

Which is why it’s called “SWATting.”

In the past, people have been shot and killed by police after a phony SWATting report. In fact, it just happened back in December.

Guns don’t kill people.

Assholes who SWAT someone do.

There’s no other way to describe this. SWATting is a despicable, heinous thing to do.

From Miami 7 News:

According to BSO, deputies received a call at around 8:30 a.m., saying someone broke into Hogg’s home with an AR-15 rifle and was holding the family hostage.

Deputies determined that no one was home at the time and that the call was unfounded.

Now, listen, I can’t stand that little arrogant pipsqueak Hogg.

But SWATting him and his family is vulgar, dangerous and vicious.

You’d have to be a soulless pile of human garbage to do something like this.

In a phone conversation, Hogg said this prank is simply just a distraction from the work he and his classmates are trying to accomplish.

No, David. It isn’t a distraction. And it certainly isn’t a “prank.”

A “prank” is soaping the windshield of someone’s parked car in the driveway of their house.

A “prank” is ordering two dozen pizzas to someone’s home at 3:00 am.

This isn’t a “prank.”

At the very least, SWATting is an attempt to use a strong force of police to scare the living crap out of you.

But at the worst, it is attempting to murder someone by proxy.

So, no, David. It isn’t a “prank.”

The Broward Sheriff’s Office said they plan to investigate and arrest the person behind the call.

“They plan to?” Well, don’t go out of your way or anything, guys.

Here’s hoping they do a better job of handling this incident than they did the shooting on February 14th.

Boy, I hope they find the idiot who did this and frog-march him directly to jail.

All commentary and photographs are those of Dianny of Patriot Retort

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he is out there promoting the PRISON STATE for the USA. No guns= we are 100% defenseless & at the mercy of the Government.

I think every A-hole who does this, whether they are evil or jut misguided- DESERVE a good TASTE of what being at the Mercy of the Prison Dictatorial Police State is/would be like.

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