Is Valerie Jarrett the brains behind SpyGate?

in #informationwar6 years ago

She lived in the White House. She lives with the Obama’s now.
Come on. We all know she’s behind this.



The day before Trump’s inauguration, I did a post about the latest addition to the CNN line-up of reporters.

Taking over as CNN’s Justice Department correspondent was none other than Laura Jarrett – ValJar’s daughter.

How convenient.

While her mother was settling into her new home living with the Obamas in Washington, DC, Laura Jarrett was on the scene at the thoroughly compromised DOJ.

Makes you wonder.

Who was Laura Jarrett giving her scoops to? CNN? Or Mama Jarrett?

The other day over at American Thinker, Daniel John Sobieski posited that
Jarrett and Obama are behind Spygate.

Now, certainly, he isn’t the only one who thinks this.

In fact, I was certain that the Obamas and Valerie Jarrett were staying in DC not for Sasha’s schooling, but for something a little more nefarious.

In March of 2017, in my post called The creepy, seditious tale of Barack and Val, I pointed out that the Daily Mail was reporting that the new Obama house was turned into headquarters for Operation Sedition.

From the Daily Mail:

Barack Obama is turning his new home in the posh Kalorama section of the nation’s capital – just two miles away from the White House – into the nerve center of the mounting insurgency against his successor, President Donald J. Trump.

Obama’s goal, according to a close family friend, is to oust Trump from the presidency either by forcing his resignation or through his impeachment.

And Obama is being aided in his political crusade by his longtime consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, who has moved into the 8,200-square-foot, $5.3-million Kaloroma mansion with the former president and Michelle Obama, long time best friends.
At the time I wrote:

Call me crazy. But that seems like a far more scandalous tale than then-Senator Jeff Sessions meeting the Russian Ambassador on two very public occasions.

What’s more seditious?

A member of the Senate Armed Service Committee meeting with ambassadors – including the Russian Ambassador?

Or the former President and his creepy side-kick shacking up to plot the destruction of the sitting President?

I saw this report, and I have to tell you, I was stunned.

How the hell is this not a bigger story?!

Okay, I know the answer to that.

The Enslaved Press isn’t going to report on a former President actively plotting to destroy a sitting President.

Especially when they’re hoping that former President succeeds.
What shocked me most about this report in the Daily Mail is the fact that the entire eight years the Obamas were in the White House, Valerie Jarrett actually lived with them.

Did you know that?

In hindsight, it makes sense.

We’ve always known that the real President in the Obama Administration was Jarrett.

Or, as Sobieski reminds us, Valerie was Obama’s Rasputin.

She was the power in that Administration. So naturally she lived in the White House.

And naturally, when Obama set up Sedition Central after Trump’s inauguration, ValJar moved right in – like a creepy version of Three’s Company.


I have no doubt that Valerie Jarrett is the one pulling the strings on SpyGate – and has been since the very beginning.

Just as I had no doubt that it was because of this Iranian-born Svengali that Obama desperately pursued a deal with Iran.

Nothing that happened in the Obama Administration happened without her say-so.

While I know it would never happen, I would love it if the FBI’s counter-intel unit got a FISA Warrant to surveil Sedition Central.

You know, for their own good.

Oh, the things we would learn.

Any old how, check out Sobieski’s column over at American Thinker HERE:

All commentary and photographs are those of Dianny of Patriot Retort

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