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RE: Gell-Mann and the "stupidity" of voters

The reaction from the left is going to be the same either way.

So much this...

Yea, he is done if he takes no action.

there is still time to take action, but the likelihood becomes less and less every day

well, we had a two year respite to get things done just in case (organize covert cells, go galt, whatever), but if the democong are allowed to steal senate seats it is clear they will be allowed to do whatever the fuck else they want to do..."red flag" seizures etc

and most conservatives STILL seem to be in this attitude of ?"we'll vote again next election"...

the time for Trump to prove himself is NOW

I am actually going to be less vocal about things in the near future...I've laid out for folks the basic tools for handling this on their own, and if they want to pretend that they arent responsible for their own freedom, then it's on them.

kind of the point I made in my post today about voting requirements


If there's no voter ID legislation passed, it's all over! The Demoncraps are learning from their mistakes. By 2020 they'll have it down to where the Rep's are finished and there will be a blue tsunami! (and Hillary in the WH)

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