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RE: "Be Seein Ya"... The Illusion of Displacement in the Prisoner

great entry for the contest.

I spammed the link to some of the commenters before i realized that might not not be the most etiquetty of thing

mi cupla mi culpa maxima mi culpa ;>


Oh well... what are ya goin to do! Glad you liked it... I just happened across that interview and loved the contrast between McGoohan's reality of the show and all the crap read into it by the "intellectuals."

loved the contrast between McGoohan's reality of the show


eggheads like to hear themselves yap (and I'm guilty myself on occasion lol)

I snuck the interview link into the main post hoping folks would actually fully read, and thus find it. A great inteveriw, and while I don't fully agree with everything McGoohan says, he makes good arguments in a rational manner

One of the overlooked points in the already overlooked interview is that we as humans are not fully adapting our selves to new tech before we jump into the next tech advance. So psychic of him considering what instant gratification mobile devices are doing to us 30 years later.

All comes back to the choices we make.

Like he said, he's a fellow Luddite... the whole show was a rejection of progress. He was also spot on about the illusion of freedom and the societal demand for conformity. Technology is how conformity is enforced... he may have even used the term technocracy- I forget.

I'd go with it's a rejection of progress for the point of progress. he seemed to say that we are playing with these tools without understanding them (oh, the big boys understand them in terms of societal control, but the bulk of humanity doesn't even care)

and i don't remember if i am putting words in his mouth here, or if it's just my own biases hitting my memoery (its only 36 minutes, maybe watch it agian)...but it is the individual that CHOOSES to play with the toys and rules the big boys provide...without examing if there is anything else in the shiny package

Technology is how conformity is enforced.

Snort of laughter at this image ;> tech started out as a bone club ;>

Conformity is not alweays a bad thing. But like progress, conformity for the sake of conformity misses the point.

When progress, or conformity, don't make for a better human, there is not point

the big boys understand them in terms of societal control

but I don't think they understand in terms of consequences either

I think that's a lot of his point.

very much so. but i think equally he puts the onus on people for not choosing wisely. well, honestly i think he puts more onus on the big boys, he he does call out the little guy too

there is a related point here as well. They made the show for the 20% of folks that would "get it" (i dont recall if that was this interview or a different one I read), if other people like it, all well and good, but it was made aiming at the 20%

It was in that interview... I really liked the people (and his recognition of them) that "got" more than was actually there.

"Without understanding them"... or more importantly the consequences- or perhaps consequences be damned. What's a few million people, more or less!

I think he's trying to say that the "Big boys" will force them on you if the shiny package ruse doesn't work... Remember, he wasn't offered a choice to go to the Village or not- it was imposed.

Here's another important element of the show I bet nobody else even comes up with... non-violent resistance. It wasn't until the final episode that he actually fought back.

and he did make note of that in the interview as well!

when it comes down to it, force IS the ultimate's why tyrannies tend towards "success" (as far as maintaining power), and free societies that pretend that self-defense is a "bad" thing are not long for the world

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